Love in my life
id: 10034287

Hi! I hope that you're well and healthy!

Since my childhood I've always wanted to find love. I wanted to fall in love and to be loved. I watched movies and cartoons with happy loving end and wanted the same.

Was everyone dreaming about the same when they were children? Dreaming about finding a partner, a family??

Even though I enjoy romantic movies, I definitely don't think that ideal relationships exist. I think that you need to work to build a relationship.. You need to love your partner's peculiarities and accept them. If you don't trust and accept your partner fully, then why do you need a relationship like that? Relationships require hard work. And if you don't want to work, don't wait for a strong relationship.

You need to be understanding, caring, loving and then maybe you will build a relationship strong enough to last for the whole life!

With love, Olga
