Many women now say, " I think my relationship with a man is unpromising, but I'm afraid of a breakup." Such women can be understood, and often the main reason for the fear of breaking up such a relationship is the unwillingness to be alone. However, a woman sooner or later decides for herself: to pull this strap further, or to radically change her life and find a man to her liking. But I can recommend 6 steps to a successful relationship.
1. Do not rush to give the heave-Ho to deal male, whether man or not yet. From practice: the vast majority of women admit that it is easier to "send" it when they finally understand themselves and find the strength, confidence and good reasons to break up with a person - as well as the perseverance to find their true soulmate.
2. To make it easier to understand yourself, go away from him for a week. When the loser is not around, you can easily weigh all the pros and cons, reflect. It will not distract you, draw you into everyday affairs, cause pity. If there is no way to quit your job, stay with your family and come up with a reason for him not to meet this week - and devote all the evenings to unobtrusive thoughts.
3. Plan your search for your true half. It is not necessary to cut from the shoulder and drive an unsuccessful guy in the neck, if you have not yet decided how to organize the search for your true soul mate. Think about it and develop a plan of action. What will you do to find or meet Him? Every trip to a crowded place in full dress, every date with a foreigner in a dating agency, every smile casually presented to a handsome man who looks at you-everything goes to your credit and gives you a real chance of a good acquaintance! So you will create an active "searching" karma around you - and then, as in the famous movie, the catcher and the beast runs. Now it's a small matter-catch it!
4. Remember past successes in the field of love. Every woman in life has in her memory many ridiculous, funny, beautiful, rich, smart, stupid but admiring fans who desperately sought her out at different periods of her life. Take the time to remember all these stories in turn and in detail! Raise your self-esteem, feel confident in your own irresistibility.
5. Now that you have remembered how good you are and what you are capable of, and feel more confident, take a piece of paper and write in two columns: "For" and "Against" the relationship on which you want to make a decision. Be honest with yourself : no one else is responsible for your life and happiness. No one but you will make you happy.
6. You have made a decision to end an empty relationship - take courage for the last final step. Please note: now, after completing the five steps, you are not the same as you were before. You have become more attractive to all men - it is no secret that they adore women who are confident in their irresistibility and attractiveness.
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