Long distance relationships
id: 10034287

Hey! Is long distance relationship so scary? In the media, it is always portrayed as the worst evil in the world. But sometimes, in order to understand whether a person is suitable for you, distance is really needed. Why is a pause sometimes required? To live separately, to see how you will be without another person. If everything is good, then probably the person is not yours, if it becomes bad, then you begin to realize how much you are used to that person and how much you love.

But still, long-distance relationships are a little different. Especially if you've never met in real life. Is he the same as in the photo? Do his thoughts agree with what he wrote? You will never know until you meet him... But all the same, such relationships should be given a chance, because traveling around the world and looking for a suitable person... it will be expensive not only in time but also in material resources.

That is why I am ready to give a chance to long-distance relationships. What do you think?

With love, Olga
