Every man wants to find a worthy life partner. But not everyone knows how to keep a woman. After all, the fair sex has now become more picky and fastidious when choosing a permanent man. And not always the companion can fully meet the needs of the partner. Unfortunately, the stronger sex is rarely strong in the knowledge of female psychology. Sometimes a man does not even know what "little things" he can scare away and push away his beloved. If you want to better understand how not to behave with women, then this article is what the doctor ordered.If a woman next to a man feels like a small and unnecessary toy, this always leads to a breakup. When a companion constantly demonstrates his superiority, insults or manipulates his beloved, he begins to gradually destroy the relationship. If a woman respects herself and her time, she never spends much time with a man who tries to subdue her with such dirty tricks.
The mistake of many men is that after the candy-bouquet period, they abruptly begin to treat their companions "fuck off". A woman who has become accustomed to gifts and courtship during dating, first tries to actively understand why her lover has sharply lost interest. But even the most persistent girl is unlikely to spend much time trying to get romance and positive emotions from her partner again. When a woman understands that the problem of a man's cold attitude lies not in her, but in the indifference of the man himself – she leaves.Many men believe that a girl does not need to listen at all. And why? If she's already with you, where will she go? And there is no point in helping her with problems, listening to her and giving her advice. This error follows smoothly from the previous one. If a man ceases to pursue his beloved, he begins to ignore all her requests. For example, she tries to convey to you that she would like to go to the movies together, and you go to meet friends. You think that a woman will grumble and calm down. However, after a while, you find that her things are already neatly stacked in suitcases, and a note is left on the table with the words "I'm sorry, I'm leaving you".
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