Kindness is a spiritual quality of a person, which is expressed in a gentle, caring attitude towards other people, in an effort to do something good, to help them. People these days are so busy satisfying their own needs and desires that they don't notice others. Being kind to others is beyond question for most.
To our deep regret, many have forgotten about the concept of "kindness", which from time immemorial meant the manifestation of participation in the difficulties of other people. Kindness means that in any situation it is important to help a person in need of support, if necessary, then show concern, attention to others. It should be understood that only a strong person is capable of kindness, because it is a burden for the weak to do anything not to his advantage. And people who do good deeds are called individuals! They can understand the suffering of any person desperate in life, they are able to sympathize, empathize. And such people are difficult to find in the modern world, as it contains inhabitants of different views and principles.
People who do not want to have such a beautiful quality as kindness in their hearts do not represent absolutely nothing, for their existence is meaningless. They are squeezed, vain, indifferent. To have such negative qualities means to be alienated from this world, since good should reign on the planet. We know this from fairy tales, where evil always gives victory to good, because it is so accepted and so right. There is nothing you can do about it. Not capable of such a sublime feeling, which means that you are unhappy. Your destiny does not have the proper meaning in life, which is very insulting and sad.
I am happy that most kind people surround me) and I urge all people to be kinder to each other, because tomorrow you will need to ask someone for help) Always your Olga
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