There is such a simple law in life: sooner or later any fire will go out. The candle will go out, love will go out, happiness will go out ... And the raindrops will wash away the extinguished coal into the world of oblivion. But what will happen next? ...
Our life is a series of stages, where one stage follows another, as part of your growing up, part of the formation of your personality.
I was tired of these stages, tired of the gray tones that suddenly opened up to my eyes, tired of the emptiness that swallowed my heart. I'm tired.
What will be next? I dont know.
We can only assume what may be tomorrow, we can only imagine what will happen in ten years. However, I have always been convinced that the future depends on the present.
Whether there is predestination or not, we are either building our own future, or we are weak-willed floating with its flow.
What will be next? Next will be what we will create.
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