Good morning that is for me good afternoon for you ladies I found this blog very useful now as it turns out I’d like to write my feelings down it releases tension I hope everybody’s having a good weekend I wrote a blog about 20 minutes ago I hope that everybody gets because it was very long and sincere it is a gift that I hold true in my heart to give everybody I never strived for attention because a lot of times I would always find something constructive to do my hobbies or activities of the outdoors or exercising or working playing with the kids lots of things but I think everybody once a certain amount of attention maybe not everybody but just from that one person that lives in their life that one true love or some people just call the person you’re with the person or the love of their life basically the same if that person stands with you through thick and thin and makes you happy every day and there is no regret and there is no take backs and there’s nothing nothing at all that you can sit there and say that you don’t like about them I’m pretty sure there’s something small that we all don’t like about each other nobody’s perfect I mean we all have our own issues and are own matters to deal with it is the understanding the Empathy we all half to have in order to even think that you can maintain with someone else you can love a lot of things about somebody but there we will be always something that the other person may do say have a habit of whatever The case may be having clarity open minded willing to try new things willing to be in a situation willing to do certain things or say certain things comfort zone a lot of this all then Said seems like a lot but there is someone out there who is meant for you for me personally I’ve ditch down and I’ve gotten a lot not all in good I’ll never sit here and I’ll never say that my past relations it was a one-sided deal In most cases if you can dish it out then you can take it if you want to play with the adults then dont pussyfoot around these are all things that I’ve heard how many years basically means don’t get into a situation knowing that there’s a chance that it might not work and May find yourself uncomfortable that same goes for relationships you know when it comes to having an adventure doing something wild that’s just basically either you t or r not doing but it doesn’t make you any different of a person doesn’t mean you’re a wimp me personally I would probably try anything almost anything I can’t knock it until I try it I can’t judge it and I can’t criticize it and I won’t do that until I personally have tried it or I just knew all the facts which is still needs to open up that’s the only way someone will ever get to know you for who you are as long as you’re not some fucking creep type person or sometimes a lunatic or a serial killer any of those in that category I’d say you probably have a chance that’s when I was saying is men and women looking to get into relationships some of us try on something new once a week every day I don’t know some of us everybody’s different pretty sure you know what I mean by trying on something new anyways I will make a suggestion if you just got out of a relationship and you feel horrible that doesn’t mean jump on one of the next horse and start riding again no I would suggest giving a little time before you move on it sucks being alone I know that’s like being alone but I’m not blaming my ex for that I’m not gonna sit here and say that she did anything wrong smatter fact I’m gonna say she’s a good mother and a hard-working woman very independent very strong in the mind but at the end of the day I didn’t love her the way I want to love someone and I tried my hardest if you’re with somebody and you have thoughts in your head and I’m not just saying sexual pleasure I’m talking about thoughts of being with somebody me I had thoughts of being with somebody from another country somebody that’s not from around here anywhere around here somebody unique somebody just different that difference is one of the most sensitive feelings that I have for a woman did I just say that I was sensitive maybe a little bit I’m still a man just because a man has a little bit of sensitive feelings and son doesn’t make him any less of a man doesn’t make them any less of a man if he also cries to his woman as he is hurting about something makes you more of a man that you can share that with her But the different foods different culture and different styles Different Natural just a different lifeBut I find all beauty is different I just find it more tring other areas not to say that there is no quality over here. I’m not saying that at all I could probably find close to something like that but in my heart I know that it is not here for me things have always been in a far reach for me I’ve never encountered too many things that were of my taste to be easy something I like to do to be easy yeah right. to get most of the stuff that I like has challenges it’s not about skin it’s not about bodies it’s not about jobs .Its not about all that it’s about the person and what she has inside I will say that even though you find somebody that is wonderful on the inside not all of us are attractive to someone that’s wonderful on the inside and maybe doesn’t look like the other one on the outside I’ve noticed. A lot of people call that Shallow well it’s just all the pens on your background how are you Brought up and raised how you look at things but the fact is if you’re not attracted to someone then you’re not attracted to them it’s just simple it doesn’t mean. That you’re ugly that doesn’t mean that at all no one is ugly everybody as all gods creatures we r created differently looks the same is why people use the word ugly different because that person has something different about them that’s not the same as the majority of the other people who have the greatest features in the world so people think that makes that percentage of the people that look different ugly know this if you turned it around and it was vice versa then I’m pretty sure you would think that that person‘s very pretty. Sure everybody understands the meaning that’s why I say you don’t start from the beginning and how you were raised if everybody is wearing a certain watch well then everybody else wants that watch we let our surroundings and every day society consumes yes everybody sees one hot woman and one hot dude together and they call that the image of this generation or the image of the month of the year something like that then we put in the magazines and we put all over the mmm in on TV that person on TV is just as human as everybody else in this world now I don’t knock anybody for wanting to put different things on your body it’s your body you can do what you want with it that’s fine I don’t think anybody has any right to criticize anybody else I don’t care if she did 1000 things better than the other person that’s what would be one of the things that is wrong with people you can have an opinion but if it’s going to hurt somebody’s feelings unless for some reason that person you offended deserved it even then it’s not always right then really you just keep to yourself and MoveOn because if somebody said the same thing to you then I’m pretty sure you’re gonna feel like shit as well but we’ve all heard that before course that’s what I live bye I get the thoughts in my head still if I see somebody different and then I remind myself yeah think about it how would you feel if you were in his/her shoes his shoes if somebody was doing it to you that’s how I judge people but I don’t the only person in this world that I truly fucking hate our pedophiles and rapist I have no remorse gods child or not if you have those tendencies in your head did you some shit like that you need do you live on another planet I can’t say exactly what I want to say so I’m gonna leave it today and even then that might seem like I’m judging somebody but I can tell you this much if I ever had shit like that going to my head I would do everybody a favor sent to me maybe not everybody else maybe I’m criticizing I believe people were put on this earth like that to stir up the pot to pull out everybody else’s crap that they got going on to make somebody jump make somebody act out even saying what I just said those are people to I can’t say I will never forgive somebody if they done that I will see may God have mercy on your soul that’s even too much I guess what we all have to forgive I see people on TV for giving a man that just killed their children that is a lot takes a real person a real person to do that takes a lot inside which no one wants to forgive but if you can’t for you you’ll never MoveOn in the situation like that or the situation a lot simpler no one said that we have to do anything else forgiving someone may not be forgetting but it’s letting go of all the hurt I’ve had to do that do you know I have days where I want to get so mad so frustrating and then takes a couple moments and I have to turn around and I apologize to myself and god because instead of getting mad and creating chaos and everything else take all that energy and try harder in a positive way or take a break read for a minute do you have something cold to drink and sit on the porch whatever it is that makes you relax come back to it are the times when I do that that makes me actually clear minded and I can actually figure it out or a move on so whatever I’m doing that they were in that time and I’ll come back to it later I’m not saying everything in our life we can figure out a lot of times there’s a way to approach it and I say all this But it’ actually a benefit for me and for everyone else instead of holding all this inside and knowing these things which I’m pretty sure a lot of you already know but I actually read it and get more of it the more you get usually the better results when I say about being angry and being patient the stuff I am talking about my life in someway but I’m also referring to everyone else as in how to look at it not my life your life in no way am I telling anybody what to do I’m just sharing my thoughts and emotions and then taking them thoughts and emotions and turning them into something positive for somebody else that’s my way of resurfacing and that’s my way to give back and to stay positive in life says you can look at it like I’m recycling my anger so I can give it back in happiness in my other blog I mention about psychology and it’s something that I have a passion for and I’m going to school for that online anyways when I was saying in the last three weeks I have done things try new things when I say I’m not afraid to try new things that is definitely what I mean this site I never would’ve thought that I would do this are used to make fun of this are used to sit there and laugh at it well There’s another thing I learned that stuff that I used to make fun of and the jealousy that I used to have maybe thinking someone is better than me smarter than me or problems with conversation someone thinks that what they’re saying is better than others things. Taking all that and put that into perspective and use it as my own example I read the blogs on here I read the men’s blogs just curious i like knowledge no I’m not a nerd there is no such thing as a nerd there is only one who wants to get smarter One who once knowledge which everybody should want but I read this gentleman‘s blog and the immaturity little guy that’s inside of me creeps up and says this guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about blah blah blah and I stopped myself and I threw that little dude away and I looked at it in a whole Nother sentence I said y not read this and learn from it why not take in what is being read instead of making an ass out of it make it useful that’s what I did and you know what a lot of what this gentleman was saying basically was on the same level as me if not more somebody that is smarter or seems to know more is not a person that did that on purpose or well some people do throw in your face but laugh at it learn from it on the inside and release it in a positive way a lot of us have a Lotta energy in us that we don’t know about that we use in other ways that we waste every day of our life and we could’ve took that energy used it in a positive way and made things a lot better maybe not in one shot but after Time the gentleman‘s letter his blog inspired me really good to read it course he was an older person got a lot of wisdom from it and I can use it and put towards what it is that I want now back to when I was saying because this blog is going to be really freaking long but I want to say thank you for this site well today as of 15 minutes ago I did put a request in About certain things I’ve been saying negative things about it because in all honesty it is lotta money I don’t care who you are I don’t have money to just keep throwing into it and there’s no way I can answer every single letter that I’ve gotten or email impossible that attention is nice boat it makes me feel bad because do you ladies think that I’m ignoring them or something like that and I’m not thing is I only want one woman I’ve only ever had one woman in my life that’s all my heart desires and i’m not gonna say whether I did or not because I wanna keep this letter in the manner of sharing plus the controversy over saying something like that is not fair for anybody so again back to the site I’ve put in opinion referral also for some of my email texting that I’ve put out and credits were taken and there’s nothing to show for it as far as the other person didn’t receive it that’s not fair that’s a big deal to me because I go to work I work for that money principal for me to hell with the money I hate the money sucks money these days almost has to buy time to talk to somebody I’m not old fashion but I think I remember when falling in love with that girl Elementary school we weren’t Texting we weren’t on the Internet we ran into each other in the hallway but again this is international so that’s a little different still people ran into people but there is the part where I am grateful for the international site because I really haven’t traveled outside of my country so I can’t say that I’ve seen or felt love anywhere else But still the average man yeah there’s guys that make way more money than I doThat look better maybe even smarter than more sophisticated I don’t care it doesn’t bother me it doesn’t make me any less of a person either and it sure as hell don’t make me any less of a man because he is just as human as I am and that’s where we all start as I wake up with a smile on my face every day and I got the same amount of wealth as anybody else on the inside I don’t need 1000 cars or jewelry or nice clothes were big house fancy things I don’t need all that satisfy me my heart my soul money does not poor in our veins it is not pump threw our hearts it is not created anywhere in our bodies except for the fact that we created it for the System the system that works and doesn’t work but it has nothing to do with meeting some one has nothing to do with falling in love and that’s where those particular key parts are left out of a dating site because I can guarantee absolutely guarantee the ideas that run through my head if I created something like this it would be the best dating site in the world yeah I am that confident no I’m not trying out do anybody and I’m not trying to create a website then again who knows but if I try to do it now they might not let me use it anymore LOL we can all do anything we want we put our minds to it anyhow my opinions are based on how things are going here and this is in no way putting anything down I am not making fun of this site I am not even criticizing it or anything because without this site then there wouldn’t be I mean I’m pretty sure there’s other ones but this is the one That I choose maybe I’ll keep the ideas to myself I think that would be better but I shared with them my opinions and ask them if they had any kind of form that I could fill out and share my opinions with him because that would be something that would be one of the things that I would have on site like this as I would definitely have a form and ask somebody to share and if somebody had some really great ideas you know I would definitely look into it but it hurts whether it’s the person you want to be with or the person you just want to get back to because I find it hard to just let someone hanging on a whim and then you can’t say nothing because you don’t have a dime to put in here and you know it’s like how do you supposed to say anything then and I’m only saying this is because I see I asked myself these questions I feel guilty about reading any emails and then not saying a word about it I don’t know why it’s not like I was trying to fully engage myself with that person but it just it hurts I know what that feels like that’s why I knew what I’m saying is true and I’m pretty sure it tells the person that somebody has read your thing and then you don’t hear nothing back so what are you supposed to do and to respond to the ones that you have read and just write a friendly letter saying I’m sorry whenever you do that there’s nothing for that there’s nothing for package deals for like Valentine’s Day and all that and birthdays like you buy everything individually should have something like that for all the guys who have had these problems because I’ve read blogs from Men and I’ve read quite a few of them that say this stuff these guys are halfway around the world what are we what are they supposed to do do you feel like you found somebody and then I’m saying you can’t do shit how do you knew that that guy didn’t lose his job or somebody died and his family were anything could’ve happened and you don’t hear back from them and he move on how are you supposed to know that’s a very heartbreaking issue and I speak for everybody not just myself everybody and my heart goes out to you and if it’s happened to you I am so sorry that you had to go through that I know what that’s like before the site I knew exactly what it’s like to be let down constantly over and over and over again so I say thank you to them and then I also say think about what I said earlier how would you feel if you were in that predicament I know it’s not a site just built for people that have tons of money because again that’s not what love is loves not built on money people have time to figure each other out and figure out if a man gets up and goes to work and takes care of his responsibilities he never lays a hand on his woman or his kids and he doesn’t use her as an object he doesn’t sit there and put her down and try to stop her from her dreams and everything else that she wants to do in life but always support her and give her some guidance and never to lie to her and stay committed and if he were to ever to have feelings for another Woman then before he makes that next move his steps should be directed towards his woman and he should Open his mouth to her whatever but never to engage never cross that line until he has 100% spoke with his wife and his girlfriend you tell her and by the way doesn’t matter whether you have a girlfriend or a wife or are you domestically married it doesn’t fucking matter you don’t cheat I don’t care if there’s a ring on that finger or not you don’t fuck around with other people why are you with somebody just had to say that but that man or the woman you make sure that you tell them that your feelings are mixed up you don’t know what you want right now instill to engage you have to come clean do you feel like you want to do something with her or him I know reading this a lot of people will probably leave here And say yeah right well then don’t ask questions later I have done this in my 20s actually no I was 19 and started liking someone else when I worked at it gas station something like that but I did not act on anything I don’t no how but that part of maturity and me was pretty good I guess what it’s like to have your heart broken people wanna know that before they do it to someone else no I don’t mean you should have your heart broken before you break someone else’s but to know what that feels like and if you even if you don’t know ask someone it’s horrible especially when you put everything into it I’m not gonna sit here and lie and say that I’ve never looked at another woman while I was with another woman not gonna say that that’s bullshit I’m also gonna say that a lot of people because it is this day and age and everybody strives for attention and I don’t care if you’re a priest of course not a priest these days seem to be in to the dumber shit weird shit not all of them some of them God forgive me for what I just said but I think everybody looks does that mean anything no not necessarily if you go home and fantasize about it then again some people do that and then still no that the person in front of them is still number oneIt’s when you fantasize about it more than a couple times the same scenario with the same person that’s why it’s a problem that’s the kind of relationship and I had it wasn’t all the time but I’m always found myself in certain places events I would space out daydream and I want to cry inside because I want that affection I went through the motions the romance I want to wake up two forever happiness even on a cloudy day that feeling of euphoria the only thing that ever came close to it was something before that before my ex and I see this now but I used to think about that woman before while I was with her this is nine months later the reason for that was and this is not excuses this is just say if you have love in your life you know what it is because when you don’t have it or that person‘s not there or absent from it then that’s when you know you love some Buddy that’s that’s the best way for me to tell that and physical activities and there’s a lot of ways you can tell i can always tell by absentee being away from somebody no I know think of that woman that was years ago she she was more I guess we had more feelings in our relationship me and my ex had feelings for each other sometimes it was just plain plain as day i’ll finish this blog some ask why did you get with her because at the time in my life I was vulnerable I was out cast not like a criminal or anything like that I don’t cast as I was free-floating working out of town back-and-forth didn’t really stay anywhere and I was dating somebody in between temporarily for a couple months who did not want to do anything serious with me and irritated me because the only reason that person wanted to me at her house well I don’t need to say anymore but I eventually had to move on I ran into her and carnival not gonna get into the whole story but two weeks later I called and That was it I felt so comfortable then I just danced into it naturally four months later a kid was on the way and as a father I never ever want my kids to be in a place where mom and dad were in two different places but after you go so long it’s just The happiness that you strive for becomes overwhelming it comes so hard and it’s nothing she did it is only me because I can’t say that I’ve never done nothing wrong I can’t do that but I’ve never cheated I’m never hit and I’ve never did anything except for be an asshole guy at times because of feeling empty not to use for an excuse but those feelings would come out eventually in a natural way that I just couldn’t control That was about a couple months shy of a year ago anyways I and now three weeks into this technically two weeks because I don’t wanna be on here I was going to get off of this but I was trying to make do with it I feel like it’s not about the money that I invested phone I got time in this and I’m not gonna say anything about any body because like I said it’s not fair but I think if you start talking to somebody maybe I don’t know the fact of the cost should go down if you find somebody or I don’t know something because you can spend a couple days or a couple weeks getting to know each other me I don’t mind then that’s the whole point I don’t mind doing that it’s not about that it’s about the fact of how much it’s gonna cost me so I got a live I got to take care of mine too I have responsibilities in my neck of the woods this roof and this food and his clothes and the car and everybody knows what bills are I don’t have to explain that right I’ve also found that there’s quite a few girls in here that have money there in very successful in their careers and I congratulate them but I got on here for the right reasons whether or not she has money it’s not something that I’m trying to find it has nothing to do with it my mom got married because of money years ago and I told her when I was 14 that she would be unhappy and she didn’t listen and I tried to protect her when I was younger and thank God that I was with her ex-husband my stepdad except then he decided to take me with him to talk to another girl after that and basically that all went to shit he thought I wasn’t gonna say nothing because he was being cool with me and I fucking I cooked him soon as we got home he threaten me I said go for it and now they got a divorce so I mean I could’ve had all kinds of stuff and had his parents offered to pay for brand new car college all this good stuff I had nice clothes for Christmas I had had nice thingsWhy I wasn’t happy and neither was my mom now she’s as happy as I can be she’s got plenty of wealth no she’s not rich she just has someone to share life with so again to all the women just letting you know as far as me like I said I’m one man if I haven’t text you back it’s not because I don’t want to honestly doesn’t I feel that everybody deserves at least an answer I just can’t but also don’t look at it like this guy can’t afford to be on here because I can name about five or six bachelor dudes work have good jobs everything and they would not be able pay for something like this for a Long long period of time so I don’t know why but if somebody meets their match I don’t know how everybody works but I know most people can tell whether they want to be with somebody or not or if they even like that person or not within the first at least the first week if you find more things wrong with the person within a week then you find good things right then there’s something or at least a couple things that are so good about that person that whole scenario makes them feel like they can be with that person in your heart you know the doubts the inklings little things all relationships should have one time at least if not more during the day where two people can share a few moments of holding talking holding each other caressing each whatever the both of you enjoy together then you just know that somebody you want to be with that’s my opinion and that could be very well natural see I don’t ruin it for everybody everybody is differentI’m gonna wrap this up thank you I hope I was able to give a little inspiration to everyone sincerely yours Michael
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