I’m often asked by men, why so nice lady and many other beautiful Ukrainian ladies are looking for their soul mate on FindBride.com, as they probably must have lot’s of admires in Ukraine.
It’s true, the overwhelming amount of women in FindBride.com has nice profiles with amazing pictures.
But we should look at this issue from the other side. Women here are just ordinary females, but, being lady, they made all the best from their selves to look as beautiful in the pictures as they can, for reason just to attract attention of a man, they are interested in most.
What about reasons of our appearance on Findbride.com, from my point of you, I can select some next ones.
The most important thing is the purposes’ difference of Ukrainian men and women. It’s not a secret that the majority of women in Ukraine are family-oriented, while men here do not rush to create a family.
The other reason is alcohol addiction of Slavic men. Statistic says that Ukraine now takes 5th place in alcoholic countries’ rating. And 20 percent of Ukrainian men have alcoholic addiction. The situation is even more dramatically, because of reducing of alcohol age. Average age of alcohol addicts now is about 25 years old.
Certainly, I don’t want to say the myths about men, who beat their women in alcohol impact. But this “disease” really prevents men to rise in carrier and prevents young couples to develop their relationships.
From this one, the third reason implies, as poor economical situation of Ukraine. I want to be frank saying that large proportion of ladies are willing to go abroad, combining better quality of life with love.
In the end, I would like to advice you, gentlemen, to be confident and be yourself. Remember, that appearance is not the most important thing! Much more important is the attitude to the woman. The way of your care and respect will help you to melt the heart of every lady! According to this, you will you will be convinced, that Ukrainian women are sincerely looking for love from Western gentlemen, and you will definitely find appropriate lady on FindBride.com.
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