Robbery. how an ordinary street dog saved me
id: 10043479

Hello everyone, let's start our fascinating story?
I also think that it is worth starting already, and not stalling for time!
This morning I decided to go to work on foot, through the park, it was 6 am, but as we all know, it's winter time, it gets light late, it gets dark early.
It was still dark enough for 6am.
And suddenly I passed by a shop where a man was sitting, he was looking at me intently!
I was already alerted. It even scared me.
And I decided to shorten the path a little. That was my mistake!
He followed me... It was accelerating!
I sped up too!
And then ...
he caught up with me.
He grabbed me by the hair and put me on the ground.
I thought he was going to rape me...
I screamed, but he put his hands over my mouth
... his hands...
they were big and rough... He was squeezing my mouth and nose so hard I thought I was going to pass out.
He tore off my earrings and a chain that my mother gave me, it was gold...
He started to reach into my pockets to look for money...
But I didn't have it, I keep it on the card...
And then the following words followed:

He took his hand away from my mouth and placed it on my neck... and began to squeeze it... I answered him through my tears and lack of air:
"Don't kill me, please, I'll give you everything.".. But I don't have any money...
there was a blow to my stomach. I started
to choke even more!
Then I saw a man... He just walked by... He didn't even help me...
I lost hope.
His hand was squeezing my small neck, and I was fainting.
And all of a sudden... I heard a dog barking... She ran in our direction and grabbed his arm...
He threw me and screamed sabaka started to bite him... But at some point, the dog loosened its grip and this maniac began to run away, taking all my jewelry in his pocket...
I was wretchedly glad that a dog, a simple street dog, had saved my life...
When people... the men passed me. I am paralyzed by their negligence and am indifferent.
I bought the dog the most expensive food, sausages, bones. water.
She was very glad of my gratitude...
I owed it to her.
