After all, everyone has seen these loving female eyes, which shine brighter than the sun, in which you can see so much happiness that you will never have in your entire life. These eyes contain small particles of another person. The person she loves. It doesn't matter what kind of eyes they are, blue, brown, green - everyone has this spark. At the sight of a loved one, something incredible happens in those eyes. All feelings are mixed: joy, love, boundless happiness, delight. The heart begins to beat faster, millions of small butterflies flutter in the stomach, everything inside contracts and the feeling is that small needles are pricking every cell of the body, and when you touch your loved one, you fly so high, it seems that a little more and you will find yourself in space. But you realize that you cannot stand and hug forever. To do this, you hold hands to feel physically next to this person. You can stand for hours, look in the eyes, look at each other, and realize that you have fallen in love. That you want to be with this person always. In this second you understand that you are happy
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