"A woman needs care.
Before you unbutton her dress, learn how to button her coat."
I don't know who the author of those wonderful words is, but I am ready to applaud that person!
Have you ever thought about how devalued the intimate relationship between a man and a woman has become? In the twenty-first century, people are looking for a one-night stand, or sleeping together, has also become not uncommon. But to see two people who are madly in love with each other, when they talk and just sink into each other is an amazing and extraordinary sight. Isn't it? Many people can argue with me about this, but I tell you what I have seen in my life and what I think. There are millions of men in the whole world who have forgotten what it means to "woo" a woman, and women have forgotten their worth.
I hope men will read this, it is to you that I am addressing now! Don't forget that any woman, no matter how independent she is, no matter how strong she wants to seem, your care and attitude towards her is important!
The author of this expression, writing these lines called out to men for tenderness and respect, care and awe toward women! "Learn to button her coat"-do you know what this is saying? It's saying that if you're not willing to care and respect the woman you love, you'd better leave her alone. In no way would I want to offend men with these words, because nowadays women don't always behave decently either! I would love to change this attitude of men and women, but unfortunately, not all dreams come true.
As a child, my mother once told me, "If you want to change the world around you, then start with yourself," and I think that she was undoubtedly right! Maybe I am an incorrigible romantic, but I believe that worthy women will sooner or later find worthy men and vice versa.
Real gentlemen have always been and will always be popular with women. Why? Yes, because it is important for women to feel fragile and weak in the hands of a real man. For adult and intelligent women, it is important, and for little girls, they will always be interested in bad guys who don't care about them. They will be interested, but until they grow up. You never noticed that? I have...I think you get what I mean. This is just my opinion and yes, maybe for someone I am wrong and I would love to debate this topic! What do you think, my dear reader?
And lastly, I would like to say, always radiate for the people around you what you would like to receive in return! The more positive and happy you grow in yourself, the happier you will be!
Dear men, love and take care of your beloved women! Well, if you have not yet met the lord of your heart, I am sure it will happen soon! If you want to see a good woman with you - be a good man first!
Love and be loved!
On that note, I end my monologue, for today my diary page has already been painted too much! See you soon!
With love,
your N.
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