How about only truth in relationship??
id: 10042295

If they asked me what is most disgusting for me in this life, I would answer right away - a lie. Perhaps someone will shrug their shoulders now, muttering Shakespeare's worn-out phrase about the fact that the world is our theater, and the people in it are actors, nothing more. Let be. Even if someone else will remind me that there is a “white” lie, as the English call it, or a “salvation” lie, as this phenomenon is called in Russia. I’ll just shrug my shoulders, but I’ll stay where I am.
For one small lie leads to a larger one, reeling on an ever-growing ball, and so on ad infinitum. Frankly, I hate being fooled, even for little things. I see this as the highest manifestation of disrespect for a person. And also a lack of trust - especially when the truth is covered up with something.
The most cruel lie is the one with which they want to buy someone's heart. Buy it like an outlandish animal to keep on a leash. Just to be, no more. What could be more pleasant and sweeter than a devoted human soul, given free of charge for full use? I hate lies in all their forms. I, like Stanislavsky, sometimes want to shout in all my lungs: "I don't believe!" some comedians diligently portraying a skillfully planned performance. And move away immediately. Because I can't digest a lie, serve it to me at least on any beautiful dish and season yourself with a delicious sauce. Lying is a slow-acting poison that poisons real feelings: love, friendship, affection. Poisoning everything that makes us human. To deceive someone's devotion, love and tenderness is like killing half of him in a person. Just the Divine half.

Anyone can play the role of a friend or loved one. People are easily bought for light and good feelings, often without realizing that they are simply being used. Remember the acclaimed and stunning Truman Show starring the inimitable Jim Carrey? When a person suddenly finds out that there is only scenery around, people nearby play the roles of loved ones, relatives and friends, and he himself is only a project of a big TV show?
Each of us at least once in our life felt like such a Truman. Everyone ... And I really don't want to wake up one day and realize that everything is not for real. All this is just a show.
How about only truth in relationship??
