Why is it customary to eat pancakes on Shrovetide? In fact, Shrovetide is an ancient holiday, and people of this faith praised the sun god. From that moment, they began to make delicious cakes for the holiday, when they got tired of eating cakes, they began to eat pancakes. After all, there are sayings that show the essence of the holiday: pancakes are brothers to the sun; Shrovetide without pancakes is like a name day without pies.
Of course, on Shrovetide, it is customary to burn a scarecrow, which is a grandiose spectacle. The elimination of the straw figure personifies the culmination of the celebration, and pancakes and round dances are considered preparation for the destruction of the straw figure. A scarecrow means winter, and burning it means the end of that time of year. The doll was constructed from improvised materials, installed in an open field, and then, in a solemn atmosphere, they gave it to the fire in order to eliminate the bad power of cold weather and meet the beginning of the warm season.
This solemn event was celebrated for seven days. One event was celebrated daily. On the first day we met Shrovetide. The population was sledding and having fun. On the second day, people played and baked pancakes. On the third day, everyone brought pancakes to each other. On the fourth day, people were having fun in the street. On the fifth day, the sons-in-law came to the mother-in-law, she showed them a plate of pancakes. On the sixth day, we went to our relatives to eat pancakes. On the seventh day there was forgiveness Sunday, which is known to people. On the last day of the holiday, people tried to forget all the grievances.
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