Family Birthday
Perhaps the first joyful event in the life of a man and a woman is their marriage, in other words, the birthday of the family, which is the beginning of all the spiritual family accumulation, subsequently transferring to future generations. Celebrating wedding anniversary after marriage is very important, and it does not have to be surrounded by many relatives. spouses can celebrate such a day alone, refreshing the memories of the wedding celebration recorded video or drink a celebratory glass of champagne!
Holidays for Kids
In second place in family traditions is the celebration of birthdays, especially children's! Many people have not kept vivid and memorable moments of his name day! But it gives reason to organize the brightest holiday for their children, who have the opportunity to invite their closest friends to their party! This allows each child to feel its importance in the family!
Family bonding
Now about your own important family traditions! You should pay attention to the organization of the family council - daily or weekly.In the moments of the family meeting important decisions are taken that affect each family member and take into account all the opinions of teenagers and younger children.The family council can take the form of an evening tea party, at which close people discuss the past day, as well as discuss plans for the future.
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