Active life—a gift for your love partner.
id: 4943620

I like to be active. I am an athlete in as I start my 7th decade. Mostly I run and cycle. I also swim. I do these things because they bring me joy. I also have a very competitive nature. But these activities can also be just enjoyment. A casual bicycle ride to the local zoo would be a fun outing. Maybe load a basket and ride to the local lake and have a picnic lunch on the soft grass. These activities are made so much brighter when you are doing them with the one you love.
I would run and you would cycle beside me and we would feed each other ice cream.
Sharing activities give us the opportunity to look so deeply into each other’s eyes that we merge and become one. I would like to do that with my partner
Although I enjoy these activities for whimsy, I mostly prefer these activities to stay healthy for my love partner. I stay in good physical shape. I would like to be pleasing to the eye for my partner. I want to live a long life life for my partner to be beside her in love everyday. Being in top physical shape doesn’t mean I will live a long life, sometimes life is sniffed out early, but I want to give my self the opportunity to be the healthy man, with good blood, good organs, and sound mind for my love.
I do these activities, daily, not only for my enjoyment and health, but so I may be around for a long life to share with my love. To do activities with my love. To do more than just be together—to live and love together.
Become active, for your love, to give them the gift of you for as long as possible.
