It is believed that one can talk about love for hours. It is not for nothing that the most famous philosophers, writers and poets easily devoted a considerable part of their time to this occupation. The first tried to understand what love is, why is it for a person, perhaps, it is easier to exist without this mysterious feeling at all? In other words, the philosophers did not want to come to terms with the fact that for some unknown reason, out of nowhere, suddenly, between two people, and often not only people, a strong “unearthly” connection could arise. Until there is a competent explanation for this fact, no philosopher can sleep peacefully!❤️💋😘
Poets and writers, by virtue of their spiritual belonging to creativity and feeling, on the contrary, appreciated the above connection even without detailed explanations. The poet, raising the theme of love, could shout out loudly "I do not believe!" only when he himself came across a natural phenomenon in the sensible world - a break. Disappointment in love, attempts to settle scores with their own lives along with attempts to revive those vivid emotions that are currently lacking - what a fertile topic for creative reasoning! Judge for yourself, among all the poets of the famous "golden age" there is not even a dozen of those who would never have touched upon the topic of tragic love.❤️💋
But let's return from the heights of poetry and philosophy to the environment of ordinary, unremarkable people. Don't they bring up the topic of love in their daily conversations? Aren't they rejoicing for mutual acquaintances celebrating a silver wedding, talking about their first childhood love and discussing kissing couples on public transport? Isn't this feeling available to them, "mere mortals"? Available, yet as available! An ordinary citizen simply has neither the strength nor the time to delve into philosophical reflections on what true love is every day, or to be killed for months because of an unrequited feeling. And even if he thinks about it, then he will certainly not write down his reasoning, in the hope of passing it on to descendants.❤️💋😘
An essay on the topic What is love?
Each person answers this question in his own way, since it is impossible to give an exact definition of it. Everyone thinks and feels differently, so the manifestation of love is also individual for everyone.❤️💋😘
Some people love money and as soon as they meet a person with wealth, they immediately fall in love. Many people call such a manifestation of love not real love, arguing that as soon as money disappears, love will pass, and true love never passes. I hasten to disappoint such people, love leaves even those who experience the strongest feelings. This happens when a person is not paid attention to for a long time, he feels unnecessary and just leaves, but he loved, his love was sincere, why then can we afford to say that it was not real? People rarely think about questions such as what is love? Why is it needed? How to distinguish it from a habit.❤️💋😘
Love is a habit to a person, that is why married couples arise, because a habit has arisen due to long-term love and people cannot see their future life without a partner.❤️💋😘
Love, whatever it is, is always real, it's just that most people have principles and what does not agree with their opinion is rejected. Love helps a person move forward, it makes him more productive, he works harder to get married / get married, raise children, go with his beloved / mine somewhere for a walk. But, despite all the positive aspects, it can let a person down, for example, in studies, his brain ceases to memorize information normally, because of this, bad marks may appear.❤️💋😘
But in general, love is a wonderful feeling, you cannot live a day without it, so love people and all living beings. Love will bring a little joy and a feeling of happiness to the soul❤️💋😘
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