How nice it is to find a reflection ... a person with similar thoughts ... where you don't expect distortion in your actions ...
id: 10046478

And the feeling that you have lived something, passed or did a huge, literally and figuratively, the path ... overcame a lot of your fears, understood a lot, compared, broke off with someone in order to appreciate the current meeting at its true worth. You wouldn't have understood anything ten years ago, but only now it is possible.
I wish you all. Gifts in the form of people like you. With similar thoughts. Attitude towards life. When you don't need to prove anything to each other. When nothing is needed from each other. Only give is the best in you. Feel goosebumps from the same thing. Don't pretend. Don't be afraid to be ugly. Fool around. Explain nothing to yourself. Don't make excuses. Don't choose words. There is no need to win and win anything.
You don't have to make any impression because you already like you. You don't have to do anything. Nothing at all. Just meet and feel and read everything from the first minute. Without words. Just. Just. Such freedom in this ... I tell you.
And the understanding that it was not at your level that it was decided whether to meet you in life or not. I can only thank you again. The one up there. And perhaps he knows better. What, when, how and with whom should or should not happen.
I believe infinitely. Everything. I believe and thank you.
