With me everything is the way nature has invented for women - where it is necessary narrow, where it is necessary wide, where it needs a depression, where it needs a tubercle. This is for the man, this is for the children. I'm part of the puzzle. Everything is fitted and lubricated. You have to match, and it works. Just don't ask me for other functions. See how beautiful it is when I pin my hair up and one strand comes out. The perfume smells better on me than the perfumer thought, on me the bracelets ring like a promise of joy ... And this promise is being fulfilled. What else do you need?
I have silk skin, hair, character. There are no such materials and substances in me from which one can forge a strong disposition and a life full of accomplishments. I cannot be on my own. I'm made for someone. From the rib, collarbone, tailbone, spit, I do not know. And I feel as if I have a lot less bones than I need to stand firmly, walk quickly, jump high and wave my arms: I! I!
I'd rather go to a chair under a blanket. Or kiss a child. Or hug a man.
I don't know how to fight, I only know how to retreat. When on time, when earlier than necessary. I am not a blacksmith of my own happiness and I am not a blacksmith at all. What did they teach us there? To lern languages, dances and cook jam? I want to make jam. Sometimes to be silent, sometimes to speak, sometimes to chat. Why do I need to know so much to live? !! Why is it not enough to feel talented, to be able to love, to be that soft, in which one can hide? Just be.
And I don’t want to say to myself or to others: “I can handle it, I can figure it out, I can stand it.” I want to panic, faint, switch off to wake up, and they told me: you shouldn't worry, you need to rest ... And you really need to. And in general, horizontally I'm more comfortable. And I don't need a promotion, I need a new bra with thin lace spaghetti straps. And stockings with a seam.
I can be a wife and a mother. I can be honest. For happiness, it is enough for me to be loved. It is enough to sleep at night in that notch on his shoulder, which is also part of the puzzle ...
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