In the old days, many northern peoples had a belief that a person who accidentally fell into the water and drowned should not be helped to escape. A person must save himself or drown himself. Otherwise, the Spirit of Water can take offense and harm all other people. By the way, the northerners did not know how to swim, it was also undesirable to flounder a lot (the Spirit would be offended) and as soon as someone got into the water, they immediately went to the bottom like a stone.
Paradox! A person in a normal, relaxed, completely normal state for himself cannot drown. The human body is lighter than water. And if this person is also in waterproof clothes, in skins, where air can be trapped, then the clothes themselves will not allow drowning.
Everything is explained simply. Leather clothing helps a person to take a head-up position in the water. Leather clothing is essentially the same cut as ours today. Water squeezes all the air out of the clothes, plus a person tenses and swallows water, it becomes heavier than water. Here is an explanation of how you can `` dive '' under the water like a stone and never come up again.
Correctly in the bathroom. At the same time, get rid of your fear of water. You want to say that you are not afraid of water, but HAPPY we'll see. It is good if you have a large bathtub, where you can lie on your back in full growth, but a bathtub of medium size will do, you just have to bend your legs. So that you can lie down, only slightly touching the walls of the bath with your elbows and the back of your head (ears in the water), leaning only on your legs. Now imagine that your body is weightless and you take off. If you can completely relax, you will definitely emerge, keeping your body on your elbows and the back of your head. Now do this experiment. Think that your body cannot swim and you will immediately sink to the bottom of the bathroom. The new ascent will be a little more difficult than the first one. You will relax and resurface.
For some people, it is not the water itself that is terrible, but the ingress of water into the ears. It is worth getting water in the ears and a real panic begins, with the disconnection of intelligence up to the loss of consciousness. And until a person gets used to water in his ears, there can be no question of any swimming training. Here again the bath will help us.
The moment of truth has come, if you are not afraid of water, then try to stay on the water without the help of your elbows and the back of your head. Water with ears in water. If you manage to stay afloat, then you will experience the true pleasure of relaxation. In a large bathroom or swimming pool, you can not only lie on the water, but you can lie in the water, even with your hands behind your head. And you can even doze while lying in the water.
Usually, those lying on the water gradually begin to sink their legs, this is because you have not completely relaxed your legs. You need to relax completely, then your legs will not sink and you will be able to see your toes peeping out of the water. And if you get tired during some kind of swim, just roll over onto your back and relax.
No matter how you swam before, learning to relax you will understand that water is your friend and water itself is glad to be friends with you. A new world will open before you, you will have new opportunities and new joys in life.
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