What is dog loyalty? Is this feeling measurable and definable? Maybe it's just the attachment of a living being to a person or gratitude for the affection and care?
It is very difficult to understand this. Some scientists believe that dogs in a certain period there is a need for a master, in the submission of a stronger individual.Others are convinced that these animals can have feelings close to human ones. The loyalty of dogs, like the friendship of people, must be cherished. After all, friendship and loyalty are priceless gifts that are given only once, and these relationships are built on trust and love. Dogs are animals that have a subtle sense of connection with their owner. In the behavior of a four-legged pet, the features of its owner are traced. Regardless of the nature of the person, the dog was and remains the most loyal creature. Even after death, she does not leave her friend: she gives various signs, warning of danger or foreshadowing significant events in life. Many times people told about night visions or about visits of ghost dogs, which saved them from trouble and death.The relationship between children and dogs Many dogs are very strongly attached to children. A four-legged pet will not only be a protector, but also a nanny for the baby. A devoted dog will never hurt a child, it is touchingly soothing and plays, unrestrainedly rejoices at the sight of a little friend, worries when he is ill. It is the childlike sincerity and purity that endears the animals. It is not surprising that children at school write an essay "A dog is a man's best friend". After all, you can give many examples of such a friendship, both well-known and from your own life. School children enthusiastically tell about the dog Hachiko, who met his master every day at the train station and continued to wait faithfully even after his death. Children describe stories related to dog monuments known all over the world, as well as stories that happened next door in their hometown.Get a dog-change yourself and your life The dog will always be close to the person, ready to come to his aid in any extreme situation. For thousands of years, it has served faithfully, fearlessly protects, saves from cold and loneliness. Scientists believe that four-legged friends help to cure some psychological diseases. A person who has made such a friend, his character changes dramatically, he becomes more responsive and kinder. There are people who believe that this is an exaggerated opinion. But, on reflection, it is difficult to agree with this point of view. With the appearance of a dog in the house, a person is forced to become more responsible, take care of the pet, take into account its needs, which means that its selfishness decreases. Walking a four-legged friend, the owner struggles with laziness and begins to engage in active recreation or even sports.Here are some facts that answer the question of why a dog is a person's best friend:the dog helps to gain self-confidence;the person becomes relaxed and sociable; the feeling of loneliness disappears;relations with relatives, loved ones and friends become more harmonious;confidence in achieving the goal is gained;the dog becomes a companion, assistant and guard.
A dog is an animal that is rightfully considered a person's best friend
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