A strong, strong-willed, well-groomed woman means that a man is worth something and has self-respect. He will achieve a lot in life. He has already received the main prize. He was able to achieve the love of such a woman.
A faithful and homely woman, for whom family values are important, will help to achieve wealth. And the man also sees the meaning of his activity in increasing the resource.
A smart woman means a man is smart too. Together they can realize the most complex plans and create something great.
A generous and kind woman - these qualities are also in a man, he will develop them, even if his mind is not very noticeable yet. Although he made a very smart choice!
Happy and free, strong and intelligent, faithful woman is the companion of the victorious man. Even if he started his life so-so, with poverty and mistakes.
A woman is an achievement and a reward that a man has achieved, this is his level. His soul is reflected in his lady of the heart as in a mirror.
And when, next to a strong-looking and successful man, "an empty-headed slut," as Ayn Rand wrote, his career is doomed. Even if now he is full of strength and he has a lot of opportunities.
After a while he will lose everything; deep down, he doesn't respect himself. Doesn't believe in long-term success. And chose a shiny pathetic toy instead of the winner's golden cup.
An evil woman means that a man is also evil at heart. Even if he portrays kindness and speaks good words; he chose the reflection of his true soul.
And the saddest sight is a downtrodden and exhausted woman next to a successful and strong man. He chose a weak person and practiced pushing him around. Turned his woman into a slave. So he is a slave at heart. And he is destined to be someone's slave.
A woman is the winner's precious reward, his choice, his triumph. What a man really is and what he thinks of himself is easy to understand by looking closely at his lady.
In it is a reflection of the heart and soul of a man.
His level and his opinion about himself ... "
So which woman do you choose?
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