6 rules for a happy family
id: 3096291

6 rules for a happy family

You crowned your relationship with marriage, and after a while, your home turned into a feast with the arrival of your child. You are staring at each other with glowing eyes. Your child is growing up happy and peaceful thanks to your beautiful energy. For true love, please read in the family
1- Contact

Bring a family in front of your eyes. Tired homecoming parents are lying in front of the TV, waiting for their eyelids to drop. The children have lost their connection with the outside world with a phone in their hands. What is missing from this scene, familiar to most of us, is communication. Good communication should be the first step you take to be a happy family.

2- Do not carry the negativity of the outside home

Whatever happened at work or at school. Forget these negative situations from the moment you enter through the door of the house. You have to find ways to deal with your own problems. See your family as a support pillar, not a wailing wall.

3- make decisions together

When important decisions about the future of the family are to be made, speak in secret in the corners of the rooms, not in a low voice, but in an environment where everyone can speak up at a time when the family is together. A person who can freely share his thoughts is a happy person, and there is little chance that such a speech would make the family unhappy.

4- Respect each other's living space

We now live in small houses and work in narrow offices. Since the concept of living space is not very developed in our country, it has become more difficult to cope with this situation. Family members who feel free in sharing space as well as sharing the same ideas, will be able to establish a world of their own in their daily lives without hesitating to be creative.

5- Always be comfortable and stylish

Nobody wants to see people who are nervous and messy when they come home. This image breaks one's confidence in the first place. Being comfortable, stylish and well-groomed is the first step to look at life positively and radiate positive energies. You can also set a good example for children and help them value themselves. Feeling valuable will lead to happiness.

6- create a library at home

Here is the rule that has not changed from time immemorial. Contrary to what is said, happiness comes not by being ignorant, but by researching, learning, questioning and getting ideas. The more you read, the more aware and sensitive you will be to the world. The more time you spend staring at the screen, the more you will feel like a trapped, powerless and ineffective person. In fact, the secret to happiness is hidden in this simple math.
