Love is a gift from fate, which not everyone is lucky enough to receive. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between love and just sympathy, enthusiasm, interest in a person. Therefore, it is so important not to miss, notice, respond ...
There are many paths in life, but the longest of them is the path to the heart of another person. And if you resist this path and get off it, you will only take the time to try to find it again later.
Love is a mysterious force that fills us with energy, forcing us to experience vivid emotions. Love takes an important place in a person's life. It is impossible to imagine a comfortable and happy existence without a mutual sense of affection between a man and a woman.
What kind of love is there? Love is a multifaceted, unpredictable and rather mysterious feeling. Everyone recognizes it from one side or the other, and for everyone it happens in different ways. It only adds to this sense of attraction and unpredictability.
I wish every single person to find their true love and be happy.
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