Hi, dear reader!
There are traditions for Catholic Easter, but Easter eggs remain unchanged, the game Bunny, when children and guests are looking for hidden gifts and eggs.
On this day, by tradition, in every home there are baskets with colored eggs and a huge number of various delicacies. Each egg traditionally contains a question and the person who received such an egg must answer it.
Also on Easter, it is indispensable to attend the Easter service in the church, which is called "At Dawn of the Sun" and starts at 6 am. Thus, Easter for Christians is a day of prayer and family gatherings.
For people who believe in God, this is the most important holiday of the year.
The tradition of painting Easter eggs has also been preserved. Eggs are boiled, dyed and painted beautifully. But this is for adults. Children - everything is different! They arrange an "hunt" for eggs. By tradition, the Easter bunny hides Easter eggs in the yard in the grass, and children need to find the hidden Easter eggs. The bigger, the better! And since kids love sweets and toys, Easter eggs are made of plastic and filled with candy and toys. When the Easter egg hunt is over, trophies must be counted, scrutinized and eaten!
I hope my daughter gets lots of chocolate eggs, toys and lots of sweets from the Easter bunny !!!!!
I want all the children on the planet to be happy !!!
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