Everyone is looking forward to this holiday every year, in every country and even city this holiday is celebrated in its own way. Almost every apartment smells of freshly baked cakes, each housewife has her own recipe. Everyone associates Easter with going to church, and then having a feast for the whole family. On this holiday, the whole family gathers at the table and dines with the holy food in the church.
All people go to church in order for the priest to sprinkle holy water on food and a person, thus a person is cleansed and forgives all his sins.
For many people Easter is the most beloved holiday, many people gather in church, for Christians it is an important holiday in their lives. Many people to this day preserve the traditions that came to us many centuries ago. So, for example, Maundy Thursday is the day on which they clean the house and try to clean the yard and dwelling. On Good Friday, they bake such delicious Easter cakes that we like so much. Eggs are painted on Saturday, because the egg is a symbol of the birth of life.
Easter is a very bright holiday, so you shouldn't forget about it and observe it. This is the day when a person can receive the forgiveness of his sins, so it is worth considering and still honor the holiday. If you observe this holiday, then the whole next year will be bright and successful for you.
In our family, Easter is celebrated almost like the New Year. After cleaning, we all decorate the house together - we cut out various animals from colored paper, we hang lanterns. My mother, like me, also bakes and decorates Easter. Decorates eggs beautifully.
When the long-awaited Resurrection of Christ comes, we wake up very early and go to church together with our neighbors. We lay out our goodies there and wait for the beginning of the service. At the end of the church service, the priest sprinkles holy water on people and cakes.
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