Woman is fire. A woman always loves only with her soul...
id: 10046478

Woman is fire. And it depends only on the man how this fire will burn in his hands. Women are like apples. The most delicious ones hang on the very top of the tree. Many men do not want to climb a tree for delicious apples because they are afraid of falling and hitting. Instead, they collect fallen apples from the ground, which are not as good as they are available. Therefore, apples on top of the head think that something is wrong with them, although in fact they are great. They just need to wait for the person who is not afraid to climb the top of the tree.
Every, even the most powerful woman needs someone who will give her ... no, not flowers, not gifts ... who will give her emotions. They say that a Woman loves with her ears ... Do not believe this vulgar and banal phrase - it was thought up by lazy cynics. A woman always loves only with her Soul ... It is the woman's Soul that has absolutely everything: ears, eyes, and heart. But even if you are not interested, for some reason, in her female Soul, but just want her Body ... I have to upset you: even the path to a woman's body always lies only through her Soul.
Give your woman emotions, make her feel desired, loved, protected, make her feel like a woman, and in return she will make you feel like the best man in the world.
