What are the secrets of a healthy and happy relationship?
id: 3096291

What are the secrets of a healthy and happy relationship?
Every couple wants their relationship to be perfect. So what are the keys to a perfect relationship? Here are the secrets of a healthy and happy relationship ...

Sharing without expecting anything in return

Sharing in the relationship takes place on the basis of compassion, empathy and mutual respect. In return, share without waiting for something from your partner. Giving something in the relationship by constantly expecting something from the other party makes the relationship unhealthy.

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Making the relationship a safe haven

Creating a private space where both parties can share everything about itself, the relationship gives confidence to both parties. An environment where partners can share their shortcomings, weaknesses and weaknesses with each other without hesitation is one of the most important features of a healthy relationship.

2- To love your partner as he is, not as the person thought to be

Strive to get to know your partner's personality, dreams and hopes better; love him the way he is. Trying to turn your partner into another person (the person you want to be) harms your relationship.

Fighting to fix instead of winning

Fighting is not a sign of apocalypse, it can be used as a tool for the development of mutual understanding. In a healthy relationship, a fight means that both parties are seeing the other party's perspective, understanding their feelings, and making a real effort to come to a balanced conclusion. But if the fights go no further than a show of strength, danger bells are ringing for the relationship.

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Having common goals

In a relationship where both parties have a common goal for the future, partners support each other in their actions towards that goal. A relationship in which there is competition to eliminate one another hurts both sides.

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Sex being a communication method, not a gap-filling tool

Having a good sex life will not solve your problems with your partner. It only contributes to the enjoyment of both of you in your relationship. So use sexy as a way to contribute to your communication, not a problem solving method.

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Seeing the best, not the worst

We choose ourselves where to direct our attention. In any case, you have two options:

1) You can cut hair and use it as an excuse to end the relationship or

2) You can choose to appreciate your partner's good side.

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Avoiding generalizations

If you want your relationship to improve, you should avoid generalizations such as "You always ..", "You never ...". Just because your partner does something you don't like once doesn't mean they'll behave the same throughout your relationship. It is easy for us to generalize the behavior we dislike, but generalizations also cause old wounds to bleed. Learn to handle each situation alone.

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Maintaining your relationship without losing your self

In a healthy relationship, you have the space where you can live a life independent of your partner. Defining yourself through your association can cause you to lose your connection with your core self.

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Voicing the desired instead of the unwanted

There is a difference between complaint and constructive criticism. In a healthy relationship, you communicate in line with your wishes. It would be much more productive to say "I want us to spend time with my family" rather than saying "We spend a lot of time with your family, we don't spare time for my family".

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To show love every moment, not just on special occasions

The sharing of positive expressions that create intimacy and commitment is always the basis of a proper relationship. Don't just wait for special occasions to show your love!

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Apologizing for caring, not to ignore a problem

Apologizing has nothing to do with dodging a fight. Apology is linked to dealing with a problem as a team. In a healthy relationship, you would rather be happy than right. This often requires a sincere apology. So instead of saying "I'm sorry but ...", you have to learn to take responsibility and say "I'm sorry, because".

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Spending time together

Quality time spent together connects both sides. Examples include reading the newspaper at the same time, exercising together, or sharing the morning routine. The important thing is not the amount of time shared, but the quality.

Not being taken over all of the partner's choices

It is of course up to you to decide whether to accept your partner's decisions about his life and whether you can live with those decisions, but don't be taken on those decisions.

Being open and honest rather than passive aggressive
Saying what the other party wants can suppress the existence of a problem for the moment, but creates a pattern of indifference and resentment. In order for your relationship to be better, you have to express your true thoughts clearly.
