There is a theory that most part of people on earth are kinda sleeping on their feet, which means that they live their lives somewhat unconciously. Do you know what I am talking about? People mostly rely upon destiny, and allow it to take them wherever it goes. But oh wait! Can you be sure that your life doesn't depend on your decisions? Can you be sure that there are some paths which are predicted long before you were born?
Hah, sometimes we look at our friends and think 'this guy|girl is so successful, I wish I was like them'. WRONG! You can be like that, you can be BETTER! But looks like all the serious changes, all the serious steps take some level of strenght and guts to finally take them. Isn't it so?
Why should we be pulling punches when we actually can take it all from life, and finally allow ourself not only to go with the flow, but to be controlling that steering wheel of our life?
I came here, to this site, because I know what I want from life, and it is love. Love which doesn't know any barriers or borders. I could be staying on my own for ages allowing myself to go with the flow of my life, 'partially breathing', But I choose to control this car of life, and breath on full chest. Hope you love metaphores. I plan to write a lot in my blog, and I hope you will enjoy reading it!
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