The day after Easter plus 364 days more
id: 4943620

It is the day after Easter. The children have found the eggs on the easer egg hunts. The chocolate bunnies no longer have ears or tails. The feasts have been cleared. We now go about our usual ordinary days.
Why? Didn’t we just celebrate the risen Christ—the resurrected Son of God. He died for our sins, and rose again to defeat the powers of evil that we may also live again.

As much as we like to try to carry the Christmas spirit in our hearts all year, we should also remember the Easter spirit each and every day. We should take a moment to reflect the perfect love, the love when as a man, the Son of God laid down His life for us; for every person, no matter race, creed, color. Perfect love, laying down one’s life for another.
My wish is that each of us remembers yesterday for the next 364 days. Because He died for you and me—for us.

