Real feelings and emotions ... that's what a woman needs
id: 10043772

Letters. Letters. Letters. To the devil of a letter… life - that's what it really is !!! No letters can replace the first kiss. when he says something to you, and you look only at his lips and you practically do not hear anything ... when the legs give way from excitement and the heart is ready to escape from the chest ... they will not replace the first touch, when goosebumps, fog in the head and get confused thoughts. the first night and the first morning, when he wakes up, he looks at you sleepy with matted hair and kisses you softly so as not to wake you up ... the first parting, when you still do not understand what is happening and what to expect next ... the first realization that you miss even skin on another person ... that you want to smell spring only with him, being at the distance of one kiss ... the first quarrel and not understanding ... the first doubts and resentments ... but also the first reconciliation, the first concessions and the first thought that you are ready for a lot that this person would be near ... letters. they are also different and give us different emotions ... but what are they compared to the feelings that two people feel when they are near ???
