It’s just a vacuum cleaner
id: 4943620

Living the bachelor life is always interesting. Most would stereotype us as an “Oscar Madison” character from the “Odd Couple.” I am more of the “Felix Unger” character. Although I have my slob bachelor moments, I prefer a clean and tidy home.
Yesterday it was time to purchase a new vacuum cleaner. Normally this is a mundane task. Find a good utilitarian product, purchase and use it. But this particular purchase was a bit more difficult because someone who will share this appliance with me in the near future was not there to provide input. (I am making my house ready to receive her and want it to be perfect so that she can add her personality to all things in my home.) So I find myself looking at an array of vacuum cleaner. I ask myself, does the color matter? To me, no, it’s just a vacuum cleaner. Will she want it to have the swivel steering, etc. I think long and hard as I stare at these little machines. I think through all the letters she and I have shared and try to divine from her words what she may like. I decide on Bissel brand because they donate part of the purchase price to pet rescue mission. I know she like pets and has a very loving heart. This is good, the choice is narrowed. Ultimately I choose a cleaner with a HEPA allergen filter. It also comes apart to act as a canister cleaner. It has little headlights to easily see the floor in dimly lit areas. It has special attachments. It is on sale—very good.
I think she will like all these features. I do not expect her to be the cleaning lady of the house when she comes to move in with me. I believe in full partnership of the household chores. But I do want her to like the tools and appliances. I desire to share with her all the things I need to upkeep and make the house function and to choose those things together. But I had to make a choice to replace a vacuum—without her direct input. I hope she likes my choice. After all, it’s just a vacuum cleaner, isn’t it?
