A year later—the wuflu. my opinion.
id: 4943620

It has been over a year now since the world panicked over a rebranding of a flu virus. I have researched the data. Yes indeed there is a new corona virus strain. Corona viruses have been around for a very long time. In fact, the common cold, which wasn’t all that common many, many years ago, is a corona virus. But the common cold has been relegated to just that, the common cold. Years ago, we had Type A influenza. Then there was the world epidemic Spanish Flu. This strain still exists. We have H1N1. The swine flu was supposed to be a world killer. The only thing that turned out to be killer was the vaccination for that flu that many Americans received. We have SARS and MERS. And yet none of those deadly strains cause panic.
What is causing panic is the media over hyping this flu. If it were indeed as bad and far reaching as the media would want us to believe they wouldn’t need the help of advertising agencies to sell the pandemic. You would see death all about you like the plague in the Middle Ages.
Sadly, people will die from complications of this flu. That makes me sad. What makes me mad is that every death seems to be blamed on this flu. When my cousin died recently, his cause of death was listed as covid. Could it be that he was 78 years old, had COPD, and was very overweight? He would have died from any strain of flu given his health and age. It makes me very sad to lose a family member. But my common sense, even without my college education, tells me that he was most likely going to see Jesus soon. Had the strain of flue been H1N1 or H2N3, they would had said his death was caused by his failing health and age brought on by complications of the flu.
Do not be deceived. The medical profession is getting extra government money here in the U.S.A. as long as they write corona virus on the death certificate. A man was killed in a motorcycle accident in Arizona when he was hit by a car. His cause of death was listed as corona virus. It is amazing that people believe he would most likely have lived and survived a crash without wearing a helmet being bashed by a 4000 pound car had he not had corona virus in his blood. This is the absurdity of it all.
Do I believe that this can be a deadly virus. Yes I can. Do I also believe this is a very survivable virus. Yes I do. I had it. Very early. It was a nasty little flu. I had a fever. I had a cough. It lasted about three days. And because I have an underlying condition, asthma, I was more likely to have complications. I am a healthy gentleman other than the asthma condition. I run and cycle at a high level in spite of asthma. I think keeping myself healthy helped me beat the WuFlu. I eat healthy, I am not overweight, I have no other underlying conditions. Yet I still caught the flu from a family member who was working close with people from Wuhan at the time. This flu is like any other flu. I have have worse flu and milder flu symptoms.
Most likely everyone will get this flu, just as most everyone has contracted other strains of the flu. Some lost their lives to those other flues. Most survived.
My advice is to learn the lesson that is being taught by this flu. We cannot take our health for granted. Eat right, be healthy, lose the extra weight. Get preventative physicals if you can. Exercise regularly. And turn off the TV and media and don’t believe the hype. Use your common sense and research.
If you have a loved one that contracts this virus, get them medical attention immediately.
I pray for your family members to recover from the WuFlu. Over 99% of the people will recover from this flu. May your loved ones be part of the recovery.
