What are the secrets of longevity.
id: 3096291

What are the Secrets of Longevity.
These are the secrets of living long for me. Please read
Human life is prolonged, and the duration of being affected by cardiovascular diseases is thus increasing. Having regular cardiology examinations from the age of 18, eating a Mediterranean diet and keeping exercise in our lives open the door to a healthy and long life.

As in the rest of the world, cardiovascular diseases are the leading causes of death due to diseases in our country. Although the frequent announcement of this information through communication channels has created an awareness in the society, it is not yet at a sufficient level. In addition, the longer life expectancy increases people's exposure to heart disease. For this reason, it is important for everyone to know that deaths due to cardiovascular diseases are not destiny and learn what to do for a healthy and long life.

What do you mean when you say "a smart person does not die from the heart"?
I want to emphasize that heart disease is preventable. I always cite the Dalton brothers as an example for this. The Daltons are four brothers and they steal our money from the bank. Then there is Red Kit, the good guy, and he gets our money back. When it comes to heart, the Dalton brothers; high blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol and smoking. And when these four brothers get together, they steal 10 to 30 years from your life, causing premature deaths. As for Red Kit, we are cardiologists. Of course, there is nothing we can do alone, we have to play a team game with the patient. This is a team game that will succeed if the doctor and the patient trust each other. If you remember, the Dalton brothers also have a mother; She takes the cake with the saw to the prison so that her children can escape ... That mother is obesity, which is on the agenda now.

So how do we fight these five monsters?
In fact, we are confronted with them from the womb. If the mother has a cholesterol-rich diet during pregnancy, the first symptoms of heart disease begin in the child's heart vessels. In other words, heart disease is not a condition that occurs suddenly when you reach the age of 50 and leads you to death immediately. Heritage piles up, accumulates and can cripple or kill you at the age of 40, sometimes 50, and sometimes 60 and over. If we look at it in this way, the family environment in which the child grows up from the womb, whether he does sports, his diet, and whether there is a history of heart disease in his family are decisive in the emergence of diseases. If you help your child to eat healthy for the first 18 years and encourage him to do sports, you will leave a good legacy by preventing obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes. Also, there are congenital heart diseases. These can usually be diagnosed and treated as soon as they are born. If he is 18, he is now in the adult period and the first examination should be done at this age, especially if there is a risk of familial transmission.

What is the death rate of heart attacks?
15-20 percent of heart attacks result in sudden death. However, the part of the heart that contracted during the crisis dies. For this reason, when you feel pain in the chest, it is necessary to apply to a health institution immediately. The first hour is defined as the golden hour and the first four hours are of great importance. After the first four hours, whatever is done, some damage remains and that heart muscle does not regenerate. For this reason, I recommend everyone to write down the contact information of centers that perform angiography near their home or workplace. Remember that time is wasted also in centers where angiography is not available. On the other hand, compression and burning in the heart during exertion, especially a burning spreading to the left arm, neck, chin and shoulder, is a sign of stenosis in the heart vessel. Pain that lasts for more than half an hour means that this compression turns into a heart attack. Jams that last less than half an hour are described as heart spasm and warns the person to "definitely go to the doctor".

How do five enemies hurt the heart?
Smoking: As the first cause of preventable deaths, it is necessary to get rid of smoking and even not start at all. Smoking not only causes cardiovascular diseases, but also lung diseases and cancer. Cigarettes increase blood pressure and the carbon monoxide in its content causes cholesterol to be stored in the vessels by destroying the oxygen in the blood. This increases the risk of heart attack.
High blood pressure: About one in two people from the age of 50 has high blood pressure; Because over the years, the vessels age and harden, and the increase in blood pressure is inevitable. The longer a person can delay this wear, the more advantageous it is in preventing high blood pressure. The first way to prevent vein wear is to restrict the use of salt. It is necessary not to add salt to meals, not to have salt on the table, not to consume foods with high salt content such as bread with high salt content and pickles, canned food, and to keep salty cheese and olives in water before eating.

Obesity: Insulin resistance develops immediately with obesity. Insulin resistance turns into diabetes, blood pressure is triggered and cholesterol goes up. When all these enemies come together, cardiovascular health is adversely affected, life is shortened by 10 to 30 years.

Diabetes: Type 1 diabetes, which occurs in childhood as a result of insulin hormone deficiency, and Type 2 diabetes, which occurs due to malnutrition and overweight in advanced ages. Today, with the increase in obesity cases, Type 2 diabetes is seen as an epidemic. Eight out of 10 diabetic patients die not from diabetes, but from cardiovascular diseases. It is possible to avoid diabetes by maintaining the ideal weight, moving and living without a belly.

Cholesterol: Cholesterol rises due to the production in the liver as well as eating foods rich in cholesterol. An increase in people who have inherited high production of cholesterol is definitely seen and cannot be reduced below a certain level even with a proper diet. Today, the benefit and harm of cholesterol medications are strongly discussed, but it should not be forgotten that some patients should definitely use cholesterol medication. If we started cholesterol and blood pressure medication in a 30-year-old patient, we are actually treating his 60s and 70s, not his present.

How are we going to be fed?
I recommend nutrition to protect cardiovascular health. However, I emphasize that spoiling people's palate prevents compliance with diet. When it comes to eating healthy, miraculous diets and miraculous foods come to mind. However, there is only one miraculous thing, that is the Mediterranean cuisine… Staying loyal to this cuisine, which contains all the greens, fruits, legumes, olive oil, olive and wine, protects against cardiovascular diseases. However, one should not prevent people from having breakfast with sausage eggs on Sunday and eating kebab once a week.

How will we live?
It should not be forgotten that regular exercise reduces bad cholesterol (LDL), and quitting smoking raises benign cholesterol (HDL). Regular exercise prevents the development of obesity and prevents the development of cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes. For a healthy cardiovascular system, it is necessary not to start smoking at all, and to quit if used.

When and how is it examined?
The first examination should be done at the age of 18. If there is no risk, the next check can be done around the age of 25. It is recommended to reduce the controls to once every three years from the age of 30s, to every two years in the 40s, and to once a year in the 50s. In cardiology examinations, blood pressure and diabetes of the patient are checked first, and then EKG, Effort EKG and EKO methods are used. ECG (Electrocardiography) is used to check the heart rhythm and whether there is a problem in the heart muscle or valves. With the effort ECG method, the patient is walked on the tape for 7-8 minutes and the changes in the heart while walking are examined. Congestions in the heart vessels can be caught at this time. If an obstruction is detected, angiography is applied to view the true structure of the vessels. Echo (Echocardiography), on the other hand, shows unnoticed heart valve diseases, disorders in heart contraction or holes in the heart from childhood.

Angio is applied by two methods, computed tomographic angiography and classical angiography. Computed tomographic angiography can be used if there is a high suspicion of heart disease, but in cases where the risk is low, classical angiography is preferred to avoid exposing the patient to unnecessary radiation. Thallium scintigraphy, which is used to identify risky vessels, should not be used very often due to radiation exposure.

Women beware!
Menstruation every month brings 10 years more advantageous position for women in terms of cardiovascular diseases. However, in the period when menopause is entered, the risk is equaled with men. Even at these ages, more diseases can be seen in women because the perception that women do not have heart disease causes women not to take precautions.
Medication requires discipline
It should be known that the drugs given for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases are not of the type that can be used for a few months and should be used for a lifetime. If you know how to get along with them, they will be good for you, too. Cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes are attacking you if you don't care about them.

Blood pressure treatment, diabetes treatment, cholesterol treatment, fighting obesity and not smoking should last a lifetime. At this stage, our biggest competitors are herbalists. Plants constitute the basis of all drugs, but in order for these drugs to be on the pharmacy shelves, they must be tested on tens of thousands of patients, proved that they are not harmful, and a license must be obtained. However, herbs that are good for every disease are sold in herbalists. These mixtures can cause harm as well as not healing, they can interact with the drugs used and poison them. Vitamins that have a lot of meaning do not benefit, especially if you do not have a vitamin that you lack, on the contrary, they have a negative effect. One should not believe in miracles in treatment. The only miracle is natural nutrition.

Even if you are sick, there is a lot to do
- Do not lose your joy of life.
- Be friendly with your doctor.
- Trust your physician himself, not his associate professorship or professorship.
- Do not go beyond the recommendations of your physician in the use of medication.

Life from bottle to serum
Human life can be summed up in six bottles from the first to the last day. We spend the first six years of our life with a bottle and drink milk. There is a coke period between the ages of 6-18. After the age of 18, whenever we have trouble, we consult an elder, that is, we start alcohol. When we start alcohol, of course, we start to gain weight with the appetizers that come with it. We look at the age of 40s that now we have one foot in the pit, we start sports right away. But in the meantime, our pocket sees some money; We turn to options such as cognac and whiskey. When we reach the age of 50s, we begin to be diagnosed with the disease and we immediately go back to the water in fear. Our last bottle is a serum. My advice is to listen to the advice of your cardiologist, to increase the time between bottle and serum from 50 to 80 years. you can achieve this, but for this, patients need the cooperation of doctors. I recommend that people understand the importance of a healthy life, do not believe everything they hear, trust their doctors, and share everything they have in their minds with their doctors.
I want everyone's good here
