Heart patients don't do these 10 things!
id: 3096291

Heart patients don't do these 10 things!
Despite the scorching heat and high humidity, it is a fact that the morale of heart patients increases in the summer season and the patients find the power to make more effort.
Heart patients don't do these 10 things!

The risk of developing spasm in the veins experienced in the cold weather of the winter months is eliminated. It provides an advantage for high morale heart patients.

This is where the danger starts. This tendency can even come to the point of cutting drugs spontaneously. Especially those with heart failure, valvular disease, hypertension and cardiovascular diseases need to be very careful, act consciously and heed the warnings of doctors. For example, there are very important rules that seem simple but vital, from not going for a walk immediately after eating, not consuming less than 2.5 liters of water, avoiding fatty foods and alcohol, and not swimming on a full stomach. Here are the 10 critical rules that heart patients should pay attention to.

DON'T GO TO THE SEA IN THE BREAST: Excessive heat and high humidity can often leave even healthy people out of breath. Those who want to cool off, especially in holiday resorts, take their breath in the pool and in the sea. But beware! Heart patients should definitely not go into the pool or the sea right after the meal. Entering water on a full stomach can cause pressure on the heart.

DO NOT JUMP INTO THE SEA: Swimming can be your hobby and you may even enjoy jumping into the sea with various figures. However, when there is a significant difference between body temperature and sea water temperature in extreme heat, your hobby may turn into poison instead of pleasure. Because of the sudden entry into the sea, the heat balance of the body is disrupted and a heart attack can occur.

DO NOT WALK IMMEDIATELY AFTER A MEAL: Exercise is undoubtedly one of the main recommended treatment options for heart patients. However, in the hot and muggy summer months, it is very important to have a walk in cool hours. This is the early morning hours or the afternoon hours when the sun fades. Another very important point is not to go for a walk right after your meal. Ideally, 1-1.5 hours after a meal or breakfast.

AVOID THE SUN BATH: You cannot get enough of a conversation on the beach, especially with your loved ones under the sun umbrella. But don't be fooled by the sunshade being open. Especially during those dangerous noon hours. Avoid going out to the sun between 11:00 and 16:00, when the sun's rays are steep and dangerous with all its burning. If you want to lie down in the sand and sunbathe, pay attention to this rule in terms of your heart health.

DON'T DIVE, DON'T GO TOO OPEN: Remember that the goal is not to cross the ocean! For this reason, attention should be paid to swimming parallel to the shore, especially in hot summer days. Heart patients should avoid diving and swimming without knowing distance. “Otherwise, summer enjoyment can cause unpleasant consequences. It should also stay away from sports that require much effort in the summer heat. "Since each individual's exercise capacity and disease are at different degrees, the amount of exercise should be determined by the doctor and the patient interview," he says.

ATTENTION TO THE TRAVEL WITH LESS BREAK: Especially those with a history of heart failure and blood clots should avoid flights and bus trips that require sitting for a long time. It is important for heart health that they take frequent breaks in their travels.

DO NOT DRINK LESS THAN 2.5 LITER OF WATER: Drinking plenty of water, which is also valid for healthy individuals, is also a must for heart patients. Do not consume less than 2-2.5 water a day. Be careful to consume liquids especially as water. Juices, tea and coffee do not replace water. You should avoid carbonated drinks, especially under the sun, you should definitely not drink alcohol, even if there is no diabetes, it should be eaten with fruit pulp instead of fruit juices.

DO NOT CUT YOUR DRUG ON YOUR OWN: Patients who feel good with the positive effect of the summer weather find more effort in themselves. The real danger starts at this point. This tendency can even come to the point of discontinuing patients' medication spontaneously. For this reason, it is necessary to act consciously and not to stop taking medications without the knowledge of the doctor. It may be necessary to readjust the drug doses during the summer months. The doctor must decide on this.

AVOID OILY FOOD AND ALCOHOL: A healthy and balanced diet is extremely important not only for patients but also for our general health. Heart patients should avoid fatty foods, especially in summer, and consume plenty of green vegetables. Because fatty foods and alcoholic beverages are quite dangerous for people with heart failure, cardiovascular disease and hypertension. Since salt will be lost with sweating, a small amount of salt can be added to the food by taking the doctor's opinion.

IATTENTION TO URINE EXTRACTOR: Excessive heat and humidity cause water and mineral loss. Blood rushes to the skin to cool itself in a hot environment. As a result, blood pressure may drop or rise. It can lead to overworking of the heart, unwanted heart attack, rhythm disturbances and sudden heart failure requiring hospitalization, ”he says. Those who use diuretic drugs should pay attention to this. If their doctor approves, they should reduce the dose of these drugs, but they are not unaware of the doctor!
