A person very quickly gets used to everything - he walks the already known roads, because on a subconscious level it is safer, he eats the already familiar food. Start small (and it will be a lot) - go different ways, cook new dishes. Spend your evening differently than you usually do - there are so many free or low-cost events to list now! This could be a master class, meeting with your favorite blogger, going to the cinema or to an exhibition. You can go to an open dance lesson or find instructional videos online and dance. It would seem that this is corny, but it is not easy. To say is one thing, but to overcome uncertainty and go to the cinema / exhibition to one is another. It's natural for me, I love spending time with myself, but for many it's scary. I don't know how for you. When you start implementing small changes, you will realize how mechanized our life is, because we are in a semi-conscious state most of the time, doing everything automatically.
I wish you good luck in your new endeavors!
And I'm happy to help you with advice))
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