the energy of love is given to every person - this is the gift of god!
id: 10042295

What determines a person's mood? What kind of clothes is he wearing. If the clothes are untidy, then the person is uncomfortable and uncomfortable. Likewise, a person's mood depends not only on material clothing, but also on what his energy shell, energy “clothing” is filled with. Human energy also needs to be purified, like the human body.
The spirit and soul of a person are eternal in comparison with the body and it is about them that a person needs to take care of first of all, and then about the body. The state of human health depends on the state of his subtle energy structures, and what they are filled with. And they are filled with our mental images, beliefs, attitudes, patterns, stereotypes, concepts and affect human behavior and health. As we think, so we live, that is, what you created in your soul, in that you live.
Living in hatred, envy, anger, resentment, fear - heavy and low energies that accumulate in the subtle bodies of a person, destroy them, and he gets sick. It means that a person needs to cleanse his energy field of negativity. But how?
A person needs to be spiritually cleansed, sincerely repent and ask for forgiveness for their negative thoughts and actions. Letting go of the past, because its "fetters" are held tightly, since a person constantly remembers the past and lives by it. Evolution requires looking into the future, not living with your head turned back into the past.
Change your dark “clothes” to light ones. Wish yourself and people Love and health, as Jesus taught. Then, from a healthy Spirit in all manifestations, the body will also be healthy. Accept the energies of Love and Light, believe in their power! Having accepted the energy of Love, a person can solve many problems of his life: grow spiritually and intellectually, sharpen intuition and perception of the world, normalize physical processes in the body, increase immunity and well-being.
Negative energies, like diseases, will go away, since they cannot withstand the high vibrations of Love. Energy of Love - it is light, sparkling and is accepted naturally. A person living in the energies of Love is happy, kindness and cordiality live in him.
The Energy of Love is given to every person - this is the Gift of God! It can only be awakened by spiritual work on oneself. Becoming a Source of Light and Love, we begin to radiate Light and Love into the surrounding space - by this we improve the World. Our energy of Love is needed for the Planet and people.
By creating Paradise in our Soul, we create Paradise on Earth as well.
