There is temporary, there is eternal. It is not always easy to recognize, because the mind stubbornly clings to the thought embedded in it since antiquity: "Everything passes." “Everything passes,” you hear from childhood from adults and seemingly wise people who comfort you when you cry for someone who has gone forever. And you wipe away your tears and try to be brave, scrolling this phrase in your head. “Everything passes,” you assure yourself from year to year, driving the pain deeper and deeper. And only the heart completely refuses to believe it. It, your little fearless warrior for a great feeling that never ceases, stubbornly repeats the opposite. And he will never be able not to love the one who settled in it. Even if you are no longer together, even if life or even death separate you. The heart knows that there is something in the world for which there is no beginning or end, that has always been, is and will be, that cannot be explained in words, cannot be decomposed into formulas, before which the most powerful of this world - love - becomes weak.
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