But many years of love with rare meetings, or long correspondence are especially noteworthy. Sometimes there are descriptions of her, and they are mesmerizing. Through the oceans, language barriers, life difficulties, people weave a strong thread of emotional, albeit very cut in completeness, connection.
When, for example, for three years, for five years people may not see each other in person, and finally, they reunite and live happily for many more years. Or so many years and live in half-separation, suffering in hope, or finding happiness.
Such love is evaluated in different ways, the reasons for it are also different, but it's great if it works out. After all, then this is one of the most sincere manifestations of love on Earth. And it's a great job to keep relationships, feelings, promises made. And, by the way, the work is doubly - after meeting in person, people get to know each other again, from scratch; there is such a psychological effect.
And of course, this is a special, rare category of relationships.
By the way, this happens even after a falling out - more often men, less often women yearn for years of love gone. They say about them that they burn life in vain, but, however, this is also not a whim, but the inability to free oneself from love, like a swan sometimes screams for months over the place where his couple died. Tell us if this will help others.
I wish each of us to find happiness from intimacy with a loved one and never part with him!
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