Why is a person so afraid of being rejected? And this fear is present in both men and women. So where does it come from?
And there are no exceptions - of course, this fear of rejection has its roots in childhood. If the child grew up in a family where they were punished with sudden silence and ignorance when they wanted to achieve a certain behavior. At the same time, no one cared that the child was not a telepath. And he cannot read the thoughts of a silent parent.
And if you suddenly do not guess why the parent fell silent? The child becomes scared, because it seems that he is not needed, that they will leave you now. And this panic horror of "being rejected and abandoned" gradually becomes part of the personality of the future adult, and later of the adult.
How do you deal with your fear of rejection?
First, it is important to acknowledge and accept it. The more rejection and protest, the more fear affects us.
Second, look for the BEST IN YOURSELF. Start a notebook where you will write down one or more of your merits every day. I invite both girls and women to the game "Beloved Me", which will help you see and speak your best qualities and sides.
Third, look into your childhood. If you were ignored, if you were not answered on very worrisome questions, if your parents did not have time for you, then this often becomes the cause of your fear. Meeting your fear in adulthood may not be very pleasant, but it will give you many new opportunities, for example, to believe in another and open up to true love, and most importantly, to get to know yourself, your capabilities and resources as best you can.
Fourthly, sometimes it is useful not only to feel, but also to think.
Feel love for yourself and accept your uniqueness, what could be better?
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