Nothing More Frustrating for a Woman
id: 43271
When you're in Love, you cherish every minute of it. Like a bowl of gumbo, it fills you up and four hours later you want to eat again because it was so delicious the first time. Like a good candy bar, you devour it. Don't be shy men, women do the same thing and some even worse. It's all in how well you prepare the mood. Let's face it, some men have no idea how to court a woman. I guess some would say they are a little lazy and slouchy. Well, keep being that way and soon you will find her in someone else arms. Trust me, women will not put up with that. It's all in the name of the game. Either you give it and give it right or you will find yourself sailing alone on a Raft going nowhere. I would think Nerds would be the worst possible lovers on the face of this planet. My assumption is, they would have to go to the drawing board and try to figure it out. There's nothing to figure out, it isn't a mathematical equation where two times two equals four. It's a woman for Pete's sake. Nothing more beautiful than the body of a woman. So, why don't you just admire the darn thing and allow your mind to drift in Nether land. You know you desire it but you can't quite figure out how to put it all together. Why, it isn't a damn puzzle so what is there to figure out. When you feel that skin, what does it feel like? it feels like Satin and Silk doesn't it. So why would you want to use sand paper on Satin sheets. Take it easy man and relish the moment. The woman has needs too so what's the damn rush. She's just getting started and you're all petered out. Shame on you. Go back to school and learn about Romeo and Juliet, it's called Love, not Lust. It's like peeling a tomato, very carefully. Because if you're not, you will ruin that tomato. Now, have you learn the basics !!