What men from different countries value in women
As a hundred years ago, Japanese men choose modest and easy-going women as their wives. Courtesy, undemanding and loyalty are the most valuable qualities for a Japanese wife.
They can wait for hours in the evenings for a spouse who has gone on a spree somewhere, and then meet him with a sweet smile.
Here, athletic and temperamental women with small breasts and elastic buttocks are in fashion, so sports simulators in this poor country can be found on every corner. Makeup and clothing for Brazilians is not the most important thing, but a woman's nails should always be well-groomed.
Externally, a woman should have a seductive rounded shape. By nature, be easy-going and compliant, a real keeper of the hearth.
And still maintain chastity before marriage, get along with the numerous relatives of her husband and remember that a man is always right.
Turkish women combine temperament and modesty. In honor of the ideal hostess, non-confrontational and respectful to the spouse.
At the same time, most of them lead a fairly active lifestyle: they study, make a career, engage in self-development, meet with friends, attend various courses.
Previously, German women were completely dependent on men, but now they try to be independent and they succeed perfectly. They first make a career and only after getting on their feet get married and give birth to children-often closer to 40 years.Sometimes German men admit that they miss the quiet, domestic keepers of the hearth, but at the same time they like the independence and independence of German women.
They see a woman as a friend and partner who is able to share their ideas, appreciate intelligent, educated women with a sense of humor and their own view of the world. And household problems and family expenses-in half.
Although China is developing very rapidly, their views on women remain the same as they were many centuries ago. A woman should look after the house, children, take care of herself, appreciate the merits of her husband to the family.
Due to the demographic law that left one child in the family (usually an heir), 34 million Chinese men under the age of 30 are at risk of remaining single.
The most important thing for Indians is the family, and the wedding is considered the most important event in life, for which they prepare since childhood.
The price here is plump girls with wide hips and small feet, modest, economic and worldly wise. And also non-conflict, so that they can get along under the same roof with their mother-in-law.
If a woman is willing to do anything for a man, then she gave birth to him. That's the motto of Italian moms. Therefore, men here are often narcissistic narcissists with high self-esteem.
The wife should be moderately beautiful, well-groomed and self-sufficient. But at the same time, to complement the spouse, and not to surpass him in anything. And also emotional: laugh at his jokes, cry while watching a melodrama and be moved by the sight of a baby in the sandbox.
We live once! That's what most Greek men think, and women, too. Therefore, it should be easy and pleasant to communicate. The ideal woman should be temperamental, sincere, cheerful, sociable, easy-going, love sex and be able to maintain a conversation.
And it is also desirable to have a good job or a dowry in the form of an apartment and a car. In Greece, people get married closer to 40, and before that, you can just enjoy life together.
What should a real French woman be like? First of all, natural and relaxed and easy to relate to life.
Modern French women are not distinguished by exquisite charm, make-up and toilets. They do not curl or dye their hair, do not make up during the day, do not increase or tighten anything.
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