Let's ask ourselves 2 questions: Do I trust myself? and am I the kind of person others can trust?
When it comes to trusting yourself, trust starts small. To put it simply, trust is confidence and reliability, therefore, by promising something to ourselves, are we doing it? Promising to get up early and do some exercise or get some work done by a certain date? If we promised this to ourselves - how much will it be realized?
And the most interesting thing is that when we do not fulfill our promise to ourselves, then our faith in ourselves sharply decreases, we begin to think of ourselves as weak, weak-willed and a person who, in principle, cannot be trusted very much. Although we will not show this to anyone, who else knows us better than ourselves?
And our lack of self-confidence affects our effectiveness. So I think that there is no need to promise myself some things that I cannot fulfill. It is better to take small steps and move forward than to have grandiose plans and not move a single step because you are not ready to change anything in principle ..
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