1. Be sure to do everything necessary to make your beloved understand that she is special.
If you see that the woman is friendly and even reciprocates, continue to act, do not loosen your grip.
2. Your first date, and especially your first kiss, will play a big role.
It would seem that it is difficult? But it can be very difficult for men to overcome this boundary. Be more confident and do not be afraid of rejection.
3. To win the heart, first, win the trust.
Be sincere, do not deceive her even in small things. You will be able to attract the attention of any woman if you become a person you can always rely on.
4. Do not be afraid to ask questions and do not be lazy to study the information from the profile.
It is important for any person when someone understands their pain and needs. And your beloved girl will be happy to receive as a gift what she has long dreamed of!
5. Be sincere.
Don't hide your emotions if they overwhelm you. Say everything from the heart, share your thoughts and feelings. But do not forget that there is a big difference between sincerity and bad manners. If you want to make a remark to a girl, then say it in a joking way or so as not to offend.
❓❓❓Do not know how to conquer a woman? You can easily get your favorite woman if you collect information about her:
✅tastes, preferences, interests;
✅how does he spend his free time;
✅dreams and plans for the future;
✅the ideal of a man;
✅what is expected from the relationship;
✅past experiences, reasons for breakups;
✅willingness to start a family, etc.
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