It is that quality which cannot be portrayed deliberately! When a person is sincere thousands of masks fall from his face and you see the real, naked soul of the person standing in front of you! All people wear masks, absolutely all of them. When we smile, when we do not want to, when we hide our anger or rage inside for fear of hurting someone or keeping our job. We put on thousands of different masks every day without even noticing it! And you know, dear reader, sometimes I just get excited when I see people's sincerity! It can be anywhere, in the street, in the car, at home, at work! When they dance in the streets without fear of what others might say, when they sing without fear of not hitting the notes, when they do what makes their hearts beat faster and their eyes sparkle! Mimics, gestures, looks, smiles, movements, grace and clumsiness! There's definitely something about it that you don't get surprised by every day. These are moments you have to learn to notice. You might be surprised at how beautiful people can be in these moments!
It's the sincerity that really gets to me. That personal truth that there is no comparison, just as there is no limit to its value, whatever it may be. Sincerity equals truth. I love truth. But not the one that comes from anger and shallowness of soul, but the one with self-criticism. When a person knowingly and without fear voices all the pitfalls of his temper, but has the courage to "decompose" what he wants to keep in himself and what he does not, and can assess the degree of global consequences of his actions on the fate of others. Truth always attracts, if only for the reason that whatever it is, you feel respect for yourself, because you are not being lied to.
I am attracted to the feelings and emotions of those people whose energy at the moment of experience is so strong that you can feel it on yourself and feel for a fraction of a second the state that person is experiencing. It is a strange comparison, but I feel that they are Alive. That they are struggling and that they have something in them that others don't - the Power of Spirit. There is a flow from such souls. I don't go through them on the basis of "good" and "bad" as I absorb everything to keep a balance inside. My balance of light and dark, for a deeper knowledge of the human soul and my own, and to understand how I can help and whether I can help at all.
What clings to me, opens me up even more through others, because I keep in myself Compassion, the ability to empathize and rejoice with all my heart for someone. And it doesn't matter if it's a loved one or a stranger. When I am near such people, I feel even more that I, too, am Alive, and that my Heart has not yet become a block of ice.
Do you know this feeling? Have you ever felt anything like that?
No matter how hard I try to put it into words, it's best to learn to notice what you haven't seen before!
Dear reader, appreciate your sincerity and know - every person is unique and beautiful! Appreciate the moment, it is running very fast and no money will not give you back the time that you missed!
Smile, be angry and love, do only what you want to do and feel, because that's the only way to feel real and complete happiness from our existence on this planet!
Be happy, my friend, just be happy!
With love,
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