Does a person see himself as more beautiful than he really is?
id: 10045116

It is noteworthy that the ability to "embellish" the appearance concerns only one's own reflection. One very interesting experiment was carried out. People were given 2 of their own photos - one with retouching, the second without - and they were told to choose the real one. Everyone, without exception, chose a retouched photo. But with other people's images, people unmistakably chose real pictures.
The same goes for the voice. You've probably come across the fact that our voice in the recording seems completely different. All these are games of the brain and subconsciousness - very interesting and, at times, unexpected.
But you can not worry about this. Likewise, it has been proven that the people around you do not notice many of your flaws. So, if you do not like your reflection in the mirror, you do not need to think that in life you look even worse. The people around you mainly look at you as a whole, without looking out for any imaginary flaws, which may not exist.
