Learn to watch snails. Plant impossible gardens.
Invite someone you want for tea. Make little pointers that say YES! and hang them all over your home.
Make friends with freedom and the unknown. Look ahead dreams.
Cry during movies, don't suppress anything. Swing as high as possible on the swing on the full moon.
Don't try to be perfect. Don't strain yourself. Do it out of love. Sleep well. Rest deeply. Give money. Do it now. The money will follow, come and return. Believe in miracles. Laugh a lot. Celebrate every unique moment.
Take moon baths. Have wild imaginations, transformative dreams and perfect tranquility. Paint on the walls. Imagine yourself as a wizard. Play with the kids. Listen to the elderly.
Open up. Dive inward. Be free. Bless yourself. Play in everything you have. Entertain your inner child. You are innocence. Build fortresses out of towels. Get wet in the rain.
Be happy.
Hug the trees.
Write love letters.
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