A wrong door “Friend Zone”
id: 10010154
The Friend Zone – the most inconvenient zone chosen for you by a person in whom you are so interested. A zone where you will always hide the best part of your feelings in order to be closer and don’t lose that “special one”.

So how we can appear in front of this door “FZ”? Surely through communication but based on wrong goal: to become friends at first. You can become friends, even best ones but what will be next, will your friend wish to end up with it and to move further? After knowing all about each other as personalities, for some people it becomes almost impossible to start a close relation. Sometimes cause of fear of losing such a great friend, sometimes cause of desire to have someone “in case” or cause of fear not to reach success and not only to lose a partner after all but also your friend. As you can see there are a lot of different ways to appear in front of this door. The main question is how to resist and don’t find yourself opening that door.

First of all, don’t ask about exes if you are not going to listen too endless complains and to propose your shoulder to cry on. You can begin to compare yourself to them and it will turn into losing confidence.

Another point to think about is flirting. Flirting you can not only show your intentions for very close relations but also to give a clue that you are not going to be just a friend.

Thirdly, don’t talk that you are looking for someone with a particular package of qualities all time, tell better that you think that you have found that person and willing to be only one in her/his life.

Be attentive and don’t cross the line leading you to Friend Zone, it is very simple to come in through that door but it is highly possibility that you will not find a way out from there…
