Don't you have any of this? And you behave as if you are, and everything will come. Soon after you start giving, you will receive. You cannot receive what you don’t give. The outflow determines the inflow. Everything that you think the world does not want to give you, you already have, but you will never know about it if you do not allow it to pour out. This also applies to abundance.
The law of interdependence of outflow and inflow was strongly and vividly expressed by Jesus: “... give, and it will be given to you; good measure, shaken, compressed and overflowing, will be poured into your bosom; for with what measure you mete, the same will be measured to you. " The source of all abundance is not somewhere outside. It is part of who you are. However, start by recognizing and realizing the abundance in the outer world.
Feel the fullness of life in everything that surrounds you: the warmth of the sun on your skin, the beautiful flowers displayed at the door of the flower shop, the juiciness of the fruit you eat, the abundance of water pouring from heaven, soaking you to the skin. Here it is, the fullness of life - at every step.
By perceiving the abundance reigning around you, you awaken the abundance dormant within you. Let it pour out into the world. By smiling at a stranger, you are already channeling a tiny stream of energy outward. You become a giver.
Ask yourself often: “What can I give here? What can I do for this person, for this situation? " You don't need to own anything to feel abundance in yourself, although if you constantly feel it in yourself, everything will almost certainly come to you.
Abundance only comes to those who already have it. It sounds almost unfair, but it certainly isn't. This is a universal law. Both abundance and lack are inner states that manifest as your reality. Jesus expressed it in these words: "For whoever has, to him will be given, and whoever does not have, from him will also be taken away that which he has."
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