- I have never been here. Tell me, old man, what kind of people live in this city?
The old man answered him with a question:
- And what kind of people were in the city from which you left?
“They were selfish and angry people. However, that is why I happily left there.
- Here you will meet exactly the same, - the old man answered him. ⠀
A little later, another person approached this place and asked the same question:
- I just arrived. Tell me, father, what kind of people live in this city?
The old man replied in kind:
- And tell me, son, how did the people behave in the city where you came from?
- Oh, they were kind, hospitable and noble souls! I still have many friends there, and it was not easy for me to part with them.
“You will find the same here,” the old man replied. ⠀
The whole scene was watched by a city dweller, who was fiddling alongside his cart. He went up to the old man and asked:
- Why did you say to one that villains live here, and to another - that good people live here?
“There are good people and bad people everywhere,” the old man answered him. - It's just that everyone finds only what he knows how to look for ...
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