What is Corona Virus (Coronavirus), What are its Symptoms?
What is a Virus?
What is Coronavirus? (Covid-19) What Does Coronavirus Mean?
First seen in Wuhan region of China in early December 2019, the new coronavirus, also known as the unofficial Wuhan coronavirus, is a contagious virus that can cause respiratory tract infection and can be passed from person to person because it was identified by the authorities in this region.
The official name of the virus has been determined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus-2). The World Health Organization uses the term COVID-19 to describe the disease caused by the virus.
On January 30, 2020, CoViD-19 was declared a global health emergency by the World Health Organization. On March 11, 2020, the virus was declared as a pandemic, that is, a global epidemic.
What is New Coronavirus? (Covid-19)
The new coronavirus disease (Covid-19) is a new viral respiratory disease that was first identified with high fever and shortness of breath in Wuhan, China, on January 13, 2020. It is known that the disease is transmitted by droplets and contact. It is defined as a pandemic due to the global epidemic it creates.
The new coronavirus is a type of coronavirus family that can affect both animals and humans. In retrospect, some different viruses from the coronavirus family seem to cause severe respiratory diseases such as MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) and SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome).
Coronaviruses are named with the word corona, which means crown in Latin, because they are compared to a round crown with protrusions when viewed with an electron microscope.
Coronaviruses have been seen in our society for years. The simplest and most common of these is the common cold. A group of 20 different types of viruses that cause upper respiratory tract infection along with a runny nose is coronavirus.
Many other coronaviruses from the coronavirus family cause milder illnesses with milder symptoms than the new coronavirus. For this reason, coronaviruses have not caused any panic when it comes to diseases such as colds.
From time to time, coronaviruses can switch between humans and animals. The genetic information of viruses varies due to mutation in their RNA. Especially in surface proteins, it clings to the cell and creates changes in the proteins it uses to enter, escaping from the previously formed immune system, and can multiply faster and cause much more damage to the cells.
The virus, previously called SARS, has created a disease very similar to today's new coronavirus. The name SARS was created using the initials of the English equivalent of severe acute respiratory syndrome. For the coronavirus, which is on the agenda today, the second SARS virus analogy is used.
Apart from this, another virus from the coronavirus family came to the world agenda with its potential to cause serious disease and the epidemics it caused. The disease called MERS, the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, caused by a coronavirus species that transmitted from camels to humans, has for a while created an epidemic in the Middle East region.
However, since the effects of MERS in terms of disease are not seen all over the world, it is not called a pandemic. MERS is still seen as cases from time to time in the Middle East region at certain intervals.
The globally accepted name of the coronavirus disease, which we are currently seeing, was first identified in 2019, is CoViD-19.
iruses are known to be the simplest organisms that can reproduce themselves. It consists of a protein layer surrounding molecules called DNA or RNA that only carry its genetic structure.
Some viruses have a layer of fat surrounding it, called an envelope, for example, as in the new coronavirus. Such a simple organism has no ability to reproduce by itself.
Viruses are obligate intracellular parasites; They are microorganisms called hosts that have the ability to reproduce when they enter the cell they have chosen uniquely. We can compare this situation to computer viruses.
Computer viruses are also a very small program; it cannot operate and run a computer alone. In order to reproduce itself, it definitely aims to enter into a computer program and use the operating system there to send copies of itself to other computers.
Just as a computer program replicates and spreads itself, analogy to these programs as viruses is an example similar to nature.
Viruses select very specific cells; For example, the new coronavirus is capable of being transmitted from person to person via droplet because it likes respiratory tract mucosa. This period is called the incubation period because it takes a certain period of time for the virus to multiply and damage the tissues when it enters the respiratory tract mucosa.
What are the Symptoms of Corona Virus (Coronavirus)?
Symptoms of the new coronavirus infection include fever, cough, shortness of breath, and breathing difficulties. In more severe cases, infection can cause pneumonia, acute respiratory failure, kidney failure, and even death.
Coronaviruses, which have evolved over time, like all virus types, have started to cause more serious health problems with flu-like symptoms since 2002.
Coronaviruses are zoonic viruses, which are at risk of transmission between animals and humans. It is thought that Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, known as MERS in the past, passed from camels, and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome known as SARS from civet cats.
Standard recommendations for preventing the spread of coronavirus infections include regular hand washing and cleaning with alcohol-based hand disinfectants or soap and water, covering the mouth and nose with a tissue or inside the elbow when coughing and sneezing, and avoiding contact with people who show these symptoms. The used handkerchief should be disposed of immediately.
It is recommended to stay away from livestock markets where coronavirus cases are seen.
Among the symptoms of coronavirus, the most common symptoms are known as high fever, headache and dry cough that last for several days. However, in some patients, the following symptoms are observed;
Shortness of breath,
Cough with phlegm
Throat ache,
Muscle and joint pain,
Nausea or vomiting,
Runny nose
Severe respiratory failure,
Conditions such as kidney failure can be among the symptoms of coronavirus.
People who show symptoms of coronavirus should take precautions by wearing a mask before going to the relevant health institutions in order not to infect the people around them.
How is Corona Virus (Coronavirus) Treatment Done?
There is currently no specific treatment route for SARS-CoV-2 Acute Respiratory Disease. The treatment focuses on alleviating symptoms such as fever, dry cough and shortness of breath.
Research is ongoing as to whether current pneumonia treatments are effective for this disease. Antibiotics are not effective because the disease is virus-based.
After the diagnosis of coronavirus (COVID-19) disease, painkillers and antipyretic drugs can be used under doctor's control to control the symptoms of the disease.
Balancing the humidity of the rooms where the sick person is located, consuming hot drinks such as tea and warm showers will help relieve sore throat and / or cough.
Drinking plenty of fluids, rest, and regular sleep are important for alleviating the symptoms of the disease. However, if the symptoms of the disease begin to progress more severe than the normal cold period, it is necessary to consult a specialist.
If you think you have symptoms of new coronavirus disease in yourself or in people around you, it is necessary to apply to a health institution as soon as possible, without wasting time, by wearing a mask.
How Does The Immune System Fight The Coronavirus?
When a foreign organism, a substance enters our body, our immune system cells immediately perceive it. When they perceive this, they try to protect our body against these organisms both at the cellular level and at the level of proteins called antibodies.
When a foreign substance enters our body, it is perceived by the receptors on the surface of various defense cells that the foreign protein on these foreign substances is different from other proteins in the body.
Antibody proteins are produced by the body that will bind with this detected foreign protein in a full key-lock process and neutralize it.
Antibodies bind to foreign proteins, making them dysfunctional. For example, when the proteins that viruses use to enter our cells are rendered dysfunctional by the body's antibodies, the virus cannot hold onto the cells and enter. This logic is also used in vaccine production.
The substance contained in the vaccine is not the virus itself, but the proteins it uses to enter the cell. In this way, our body creates antibodies in our body that will block and bind this protein.
In this way, even if the body encounters the virus, which is the agent itself, the proteins that the virus uses to enter the cell are quickly dysfunctional, thanks to antibodies, and prevents us from becoming sick.
How is Coronavirus (Coronavirus) Diagnosed?
Laboratory testing is required for the diagnosis of the new coronavirus. Definitive diagnosis of coronavirus is made by molecular tests.
The diagnosis is made by detecting the genetic material of the virus on samples such as throat swab and sputum that can be taken from people who meet the possible case definition. Diagnostic tests, where samples are taken, can now be performed in the "General Directorate of Public Health National Virology Reference Laboratory" and "Public Health Laboratories" determined by the Ministry of Health.
Corona Virus (Coronavirus) Vaccine Found?
Studies on the creation of a vaccine based on the genome of the New Coronavirus Disease, also known as Wuhan Coronavirus, published by China, started at the international level. Various universities and private institutions in the USA, Australia, China, England and Canada announce that they are getting closer to the starting stage of clinical tests.
How is the Corona Virus (Coronavirus) Test Done?
Laboratory testing is required for the diagnosis of the new coronavirus. Definitive diagnosis of coronavirus is made by molecular tests.
The diagnosis is made by detecting the genetic material of the virus on samples such as throat swab and sputum that can be taken from people who meet the possible case definition. Samples were prepared diagnostic tests performed, DE TURKEY currently in our country "in the General Directorate of Public Health Reference Laboratory of the National Virology" and designated by the Ministry of Health "Public Health in the laboratory" can be made.
Which vaccines are used?
There is inequality among the vaccination programs in the world according to the income level of the countries.
Developed in partnership with Pfizer and BioNTech, the vaccine was the first Covid-19 vaccine to be approved by regulatory authorities. The first approval was given in the UK on 2 December. This was followed by approvals from the USA, the European Union (EU) and WHO.
Subsequently, the vaccine developed by Oxford-AstraZeneca, Moderna developed in the USA, Sinovac and Sinopharm produced in China and Sputnik V vaccines from Russia were put into widespread use.
Mass trial results of two more vaccines were recently announced. The Novavax vaccine and the Janssen vaccine, owned by Johnson & Johnson company, are still under review by regulatory agencies.
In countries such as Israel and the UK where the majority of the population receives at least one dose of vaccine, there are strong signs that vaccines reduce the number of hospital admissions and deaths and even prevent the spread of the virus.
More than 200 vaccine candidates around the world continue to pass safety and protection tests. As new vaccines gain approval and start production, the global vaccine program can be expected to expand exponentially.
On the other hand, although vaccine development processes are developing at an unprecedented pace, there is an unstable and unstable process in the production and distribution of vaccines to the world.
What is 'vaccine nationalism'?
Although there are hesitations about vaccination in France, long queues are forming at the door of vaccination centers.
The term "vaccine nationalism" is used to describe the greedy and unfair steps governments have taken to obtain vaccine supplies for their own populations, regardless of other countries' access to vaccines.
Rich countries are trying to stock more vaccines than they actually need, through bilateral agreements with pharmaceutical companies.
Canada, for example, ordered five times the total amount of vaccines needed to vaccinate its entire population. On the other hand, it has also requested some of the overstock doses of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccines in the USA.
Similarly, the UK is accused of vaccine stockpiling. Jeremy Farrar, director of the Wellcome Foundation, which focuses on health research, says the UK will have twice the amount of vaccines it needs to vaccinate its entire population.
"We also need to start thinking beyond our borders. Unused doses in the UK need to be shared with countries where they are needed. This is not an ethical issue, but a scientific and economic obligation."
Having difficulties in the vaccination program, the EU does not refrain from applying for export controls on vaccines produced within its borders.
Canada has ordered enough vaccines for five times its population.
Seth Berkley, CEO of Gavi, an international partnership established in 2000 to increase the access of poor countries to vaccination, says that if the current picture continues, the resolution of the Covid crisis will be delayed:
“If governments continue to adopt vaccine nationalism and producers continue to only share vaccines with high-price bidders, they will cause the crisis to last even longer, as with the swine flu vaccine in 2009.
"If the vaccine does not have access to the whole world, it could cause the virus to continue to circulate, mutate and adapt more strongly to humans. It is in everyone's interest."
World Trade Organization President Iweala speaks to the BBC: Pharmaceutical giants should allow poor countries to produce vaccines
Do vaccines go where they need to go?
Ghana became the first country to receive a vaccine via Covax in February.
Ghana became the first country to receive a vaccine via Covax in February.
Many middle-income countries and most low-income countries rely on vaccines from the Covax vaccine coalition.
Covax is a global initiative aimed at providing all countries with equal access to the coronavirus vaccine, regardless of income level. It is led by the United Nations (UN) agency, WHO, and two vaccine advocacy groups.
Covax aims to provide 6 billion doses of vaccine to low-income countries, 2 billion of which will be delivered in 2021.
So far, 32 million doses of vaccine have been provided to 70 countries through Covax.
It is estimated that African countries will be among the last countries to vaccinate their population. These countries are heavily linked to the Covax program.
Ghana became the first country to benefit from the vaccine coalition, but only 600,000 vaccines were given to the country with a population of 31 million.
BBC Africa Health Editor Anne Mawathe says those countries that do not pre-order pharmaceutical companies are likely to eventually have to purchase vaccines at a higher price than Western countries:
"Many say the big pharmaceutical companies must share the patents so that more vaccines can be produced for lower prices. But companies are reluctant to do so because it will lower their profit margins."
How do new variants affect vaccines?
African countries rely heavily on Covax's vaccination program.
Since all viruses were known to mutate, new variants of the coronavirus were expected to emerge.
However, the UK, Brazil and South Africa variants came to the fore as mutations that changed the speed of the virus's spread.
There is no evidence that these variants cause a more severe course of the disease, and many experts believe that vaccines will continue to work against them.
However, if the Covid-19 outbreak continues to spread globally, it is worried that new variants that are resistant to vaccines may emerge.
In the worst case scenario, vaccines can be tailored to new variants. This process can take weeks or months.
In this case, as with seasonal flu, it may be necessary to be vaccinated annually for new variants of the coronavirus.
What about vaccination hesitation?
In Germany, hesitations about vaccines are widespread.
What is 'vaccine nationalism'?
Although there are hesitations about vaccination in France, long queues are forming at the door of vaccination centers.
The term "vaccine nationalism" is used to describe the greedy and unfair steps governments have taken to obtain vaccine supplies for their own populations, regardless of other countries' access to vaccines.
Rich countries are trying to stock more vaccines than they actually need, through bilateral agreements with pharmaceutical companies.
Canada, for example, ordered five times the total amount of vaccines needed to vaccinate its entire population. On the other hand, it has also requested some of the overstock doses of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccines in the USA.
Similarly, the UK is accused of vaccine stockpiling. Jeremy Farrar, director of the Wellcome Foundation, which focuses on health research, says the UK will have twice the amount of vaccines it needs to vaccinate its entire population.
"We also need to start thinking beyond our borders. Unused doses in the UK need to be shared with countries where they are needed. This is not an ethical issue, but a scientific and economic obligation."
Having difficulties in the vaccination program, the EU does not refrain from applying for export controls on vaccines produced within its borders.
Canada has ordered enough vaccines for five times its population.
Seth Berkley, CEO of Gavi, an international partnership established in 2000 to increase the access of poor countries to vaccination, says that if the current picture continues, the resolution of the Covid crisis will be delayed:
“If governments continue to adopt vaccine nationalism and producers continue to only share vaccines with high-price bidders, they will cause the crisis to last even longer, as with the swine flu vaccine in 2009.
"If the vaccine does not have access to the whole world, it could cause the virus to continue to circulate, mutate and adapt more strongly to humans. It is in everyone's interest."
World Trade Organization President Iweala speaks to the BBC: Pharmaceutical giants should allow poor countries to produce vaccines
Do vaccines go where they need to go?
Ghana became the first country to receive a vaccine via Covax in February.
Ghana became the first country to receive a vaccine via Covax in February.
Many middle-income countries and most low-income countries rely on vaccines from the Covax vaccine coalition.
Covax is a global initiative aimed at providing all countries with equal access to the coronavirus vaccine, regardless of income level. It is led by the United Nations (UN) agency, WHO, and two vaccine advocacy groups.
Covax aims to provide 6 billion doses of vaccine to low-income countries, 2 billion of which will be delivered in 2021.
So far, 32 million doses of vaccine have been provided to 70 countries through Covax.
It is estimated that African countries will be among the last countries to vaccinate their population. These countries are heavily linked to the Covax program.
Ghana became the first country to benefit from the vaccine coalition, but only 600,000 vaccines were given to the country with a population of 31 million.
BBC Africa Health Editor Anne Mawathe says those countries that do not pre-order pharmaceutical companies are likely to eventually have to purchase vaccines at a higher price than Western countries:
"Many say the big pharmaceutical companies must share the patents so that more vaccines can be produced for lower prices. But companies are reluctant to do so because it will lower their profit margins."
How do new variants affect vaccines?
African countries rely heavily on Covax's vaccination program.
Since all viruses were known to mutate, new variants of the coronavirus were expected to emerge.
However, the UK, Brazil and South Africa variants came to the fore as mutations that changed the speed of the virus's spread.
There is no evidence that these variants cause a more severe course of the disease, and many experts believe that vaccines will continue to work against them.
However, if the Covid-19 outbreak continues to spread globally, it is worried that new variants that are resistant to vaccines may emerge.
In the worst case scenario, vaccines can be tailored to new variants. This process can take weeks or months.
In this case, as with seasonal flu, it may be necessary to be vaccinated annually for new variants of the coronavirus.
What about vaccination hesitation?
In Germany, hesitations about vaccines are widespread.
Public skepticism about Covid vaccines is one of the major barriers to immunization on a global scale.
Despite the adequate supply of vaccines in some wealthy countries, vaccination is progressing slowly. In France and Japan, almost half of the population does not want to be vaccinated, according to surveys.
Germany and Italy suspended the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine, despite experiencing the third wave of the epidemic, and urged WHO to make a statement on the safety of the vaccine.
Vaccination hesitations in developed countries can also spread to low-income countries.
Experts warn that immunization on a global scale will be delayed if vaccine hesitations affect vaccination processes.
How do we achieve community immunity?
In some developed countries, hesitations about vaccines negatively affect vaccination programs.
Community immunity, also referred to as "herd immunity," is achieved when a significant portion of the population becomes immune. This is usually done with the help of vaccines.
If the vast majority are immune to the disease, it is unlikely to infect others.
95 percent of the population must be vaccinated for measles and 80 percent for polio.
Since Covid-19 is a new disease, the level of immunity required for community immunity is not yet known. However, epidemic experts predict that this rate will be 70 percent.
On the other hand, it is seen that some experts increased this rate a little as time progresses. Anthony Fauci, a leading medical adviser to US President Joe Biden, suggests that the immunity rate required for community immunity should be between 70 and 90 percent.
Can Covid-19 be completely finished?
Professor Chris Whitty, the UK government's chief health advisor, thinks it is "very unlikely" that Covid-19 will be eradicated altogether.
Whitty reminds us that only one disease has been eradicated with an effective vaccine and in a long time: smallpox.
However, this does not mean that vaccination studies are ineffective.
New Zealand lifted restrictions in June 2020 after the number of cases dropped to zero.
According to experts, it is possible that Covid-19 will continue to exist as a seasonal disease.
In this case, the importance of vaccines will increase even more.
Professor Azra Ghani from Imperial College emphasizes that the main purpose of Covid-19 vaccines is to save lives. The way to do this is to ensure community immunity and prevent the spread of the virus.
"It has been a year since the virus was defined, but our speed in developing vaccines is far beyond expectations. Our scientific knowledge about this virus is increasing. We may be hopeful for life to return to its normal course, even if it is not to eradicate the virus completely," says Ghani.
How Is Corona Virus (Coronavirus) Transmitted?
As a result of the researches, it was seen that the virus is from the coronavirus family, which is a single-stranded RNA virus. The virus is thought to be of animal origin, as the first cases were linked to a large seafood and animal market in the region.
It is known that the virus can be transmitted from person to person via droplets and direct contact. On the other hand, it has been shown that respiratory droplets that can spread to surfaces by means of coughing are also infectious for a while.
The virus settles in the respiratory system. Studies have shown that people who carry the virus without showing symptoms and in the incubation period are also contagious. However, spreading during the incubation period is not the period in which the virus spreads most effectively.
The virus is transmitted by droplets emitted by coughing, sneezing from sick individuals and by touching the surfaces where the respiratory secretions of the patients come into contact with the eyes, mouth and nasal mucosa of the hands.
Coronavirus (coronavirus) are generally viruses that cannot survive for a long time in the outside of the body.
Studies have not yet provided sufficient and verifiable information about the contagious period of COVID-19 and its durability in the external environment.
The coronavirus is transmitted through the virus droplet. Droplet transmission occurs when the liquid particles in the respiratory tract of the sick person are released into the external environment in cases such as coughing and sneezing, and make other people sick. Although it is estimated that the droplets do not hang in the air and fall to the ground rapidly, it is known that the disease is transmitted by touching the nose, face, eyes and mouth after touching these surfaces.
In fact, there are very simple measures to protect. The state is trying to take important measures to reduce contamination: School holidays or workplaces are some of the measures implemented to reduce contact between people. However, it is not possible to completely prevent this contact with a state movement. The biggest task here falls on individuals. Everyone actually needs to touch the water and soap. We need to wash our hands frequently, frequently and correctly. Correct washing of the hands is described as covering all sides of our hand with plenty of water and soap for 20 seconds, rubbing the fingers around the thumb and making sure that the soap touches the entire surface of the hand. In an environment where water and soap are not available, it is very important to have hand sanitizer or cologne to kill the virus with us and to clean our hands frequently with it. By cleaning surfaces in a similar way, we can reduce the risk of contamination. If these precautions are taken, 90% of the protection passes through here, if we protect ourselves, we will also protect the society. On the other hand, approaches such as "I am young and watch light on me" should not be an excuse for imprudence. The virus that infects young people and children will also be transmitted to the elderly who are close to them. It is also up to the young people not to infect the elderly. Therefore, everyone, young and old, should feel the same responsibility and pay attention to these precautions in order not to infect others. One person making a mistake will endanger the whole society. That's why we have to work together very carefully.
What are Coronavirus (Coronavirus) Protection Ways?
Since vaccines to prevent Covid-19 disease caused by a type of coronavirus are still under development, the most effective way to prevent the disease is to avoid exposure to this virus. Since the virus spreads mainly from person to person, taking very simple but important measures will take great steps towards preventing the disease.
The first of the most important measures to be taken to prevent COVID-19 is to wash hands frequently with soap and water. It is necessary to wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds after wiping your nose, coughing or sneezing, especially when in a public place. When water and soap are not available, hands should be cleaned with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
Who Should Get Pneumonia Vaccine?
The most common microbes that cause pneumonia are pneumococci. Vaccination is made against pneumococci. The groups in which pneumococci are risky and cause frequent infections are the groups that should be vaccinated. Although people over the age of 65 do not have any disease, they are under the threat of pneumococci. Therefore, pneumococcal vaccination should definitely be done to anyone over the age of 65.
Apart from this, people with chronic diseases should be vaccinated. Pneumococcal vaccine is recommended for people with heart failure or heart muscle failure, which are among the chronic heart diseases. However, if there is no other heart problem other than hypertension, there is no need for vaccination.
Again, diabetics, chronic lung patients, cancer patients should also be vaccinated. It is in the group that should be vaccinated in cases with chronic immune problems. However, people who do not require treatment such as allergic rhinitis and who are still sick frequently do not need to be vaccinated if they do not have a medically proven deficiency in immunity.
People with chronic kidney failure and chronic liver failure should remember to get vaccinated. Anyone over the age of 65 should be vaccinated. It is beneficial for people in the age group of 19-65 with chronic problems to be vaccinated by asking their physicians whether their disease is risky for pneumococcus or not.
There is no direct relationship between pneumonia, ie pneumococcal vaccine, and coronavirus. In one word, the pneumococcal vaccine does not protect against coronavirus. However, coronavirus infection is a severe viral infection. After that, pneumonia can develop in people. Therefore, the vaccine will provide protection against pneumonia that will develop after coronavirus.
Obviously, whoever needed the pneumococcal vaccine a year ago should also be given the pneumococcal vaccine during this epidemic period. This method is applied not because it is an epidemic, but because pneumococci cause pneumonia, which can cause serious problems.
Coronavirus (Coronavirus) Incubation Time
Coronavirus symptoms can also vary depending on the person's immune system and age. However, according to the data obtained, it is that the incubation period usually takes place within 2 to 14 days after the patient becomes infected.
However, in the observations made, it was found that most of the infected people had symptoms of infection within 3 to 10 days.
How is Flu, Allergy and New Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) Separated?
Allergy is a disease quite different from virus infections with its mechanism of formation. But it can be confused with some virus infections as a symptom.
The most confusing of these is hay fever, a type of allergy that occurs in the spring, especially against the pollen of various trees.
When these come into contact with the eye mucosa or nasal mucosa, the person may experience tears, redness, runny nose and sneezing attacks, just like a person with a cold.
Some symptoms detected in virus infections are not found in this allergy. Symptoms such as fever, extreme weakness, fatigue, muscle aches and sore throat are not detected in allergies.
Whether the virus infection is influenza or coronavirus, the important distinguishing symptoms that we will see at first and that will tell us about the infection are symptoms such as fever, sore throat, and muscle aches.
Clinical Table of New Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
New Coronavirus Disease is generally a disease with high fever and cough, and in progressive cases, respiratory distress. In addition to these, it has been shown that different symptoms such as nausea-vomiting, diarrhea, muscle-joint pain and loss of appetite may occur.
While the disease presents a milder clinical picture in young and healthy people, it occurs with more severe clinical pictures that may need to be managed in hospital conditions, especially in patients with lung disease, advanced age, diabetes and / or blood pressure patients, patients with immune system disease.
Is New Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Deadly?
According to the data obtained from people with the disease, although the disease follows a slow course, it is more severe in people over the age of 65 and chronic disease than young and healthy people, and it can cause deaths especially in this group with the respiratory failure syndrome it causes.
What Are the Death Rates of New Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)?
While coronavirus is overcome with mild symptoms on young patients and children, people over the age of 65 more affect people with chronic diseases such as lung, diabetes and blood pressure.
Although different data can be found in various scientific sources, mortality rates by age groups are generally;
3.6 percent for the 60 - 69 age group,
1.3 percent for the 50 - 59 age group,
0.4 percent for the 40-49 age group
0 percent for 39 and under
It is denoted as 2.
In line with the statistics given, it is observed that children and young people (10 to 39 age group) have the lowest mortality rate due to coronavirus.
Is it Dangerous to Go to Crowded Places in the Coronavirus Outbreak?
Coronavirus is a type of virus transmitted by contact and respiration. For this reason, it is very important to keep the danger under control so that people do not stay in public areas to prevent contact with each other.
Effects of New Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) on Pregnant Women
Pregnant women are among the groups in which the New Coronavirus Disease may pose a health risk. Pregnant women have the risk of developing respiratory diseases both structurally and due to changes in their immune systems due to hormonal changes.
It is observed that especially pregnant women over the age of 35 with lung diseases, heart, kidney and HIV positive are in this risk group. There is not enough data yet on whether the new Coronavirus Disease causes problems such as miscarriage in pregnant women.
There is not enough scientific data on whether it will be passed on to the baby if the mother is infected.
Pregnant women should avoid contact as much as possible and therefore not be in crowded environments. It is known that the virus is transmitted mostly by droplets. Pregnant women should stay away from the environment if there are people coughing or sneezing around.
Apart from this, it is recommended that they should eat a healthy diet, consume plenty of fluids, not neglect their vitamins, consume drinks such as kefir or linden and not neglect their exercise.
Can Mom With COVID-19 Continue Breastfeeding?
There is no scientific evidence that coronavirus is passed through milk in breastfeeding mothers. Likewise, there is no evidence that other species of coronavirus are also transmitted through milk. However, if there is a suspicion of coronavirus in the mother, high level of attention should be paid to hygiene rules.
Although it is not medically recommended for the mother to interrupt breastfeeding, it is recommended that the mother wash her hands before breastfeeding and, if possible, express the milk and give it by a person who is not at risk of infection.
COVID-19 Precautions for Travelers
In line with the measures taken in our country, a ban has been imposed for many foreign countries. However, for domestic or compulsory travel, people should pay attention to the following rules.
Being careful about sick people, maintaining a distance of at least 1 meter if possible,
If the patient is thought to be in contact with a person, washing the hands with soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer for at least 20 seconds,
Covering the mouth and nose area with a disposable tissue paper in cases such as coughing, sneezing, nasal discharge, if the person does not have a handkerchief, do not use the inside of the elbow and spread it around
If there are symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection, use a mask.
Avoiding undercooked or raw meat products, preferring well-cooked foods instead,
Avoid areas such as livestock markets and farms as much as possible
After the trip, the person should watch himself at home for 14 days and if he has complaints such as high fever or breathing difficulties, he should go to the nearest health institution by wearing a mask.
What is Quarantine? What is Insulation?
The purpose of quarantine or isolation is to keep the sick person in a separate place in order not to infect others.
Quarantine means forty in Latin. In the past, the concept of quarantine emerged as a result of the fact that ships were kept for 40 days to avoid any illness from the ship's crew when they approached the port.
Today, similarly, the name quarantine is also used against different diseases. For example, the incubation period of the new coronavirus infection (Covid-19) has been observed as 14 days.
For this reason, people with suspected new coronavirus disease should be kept in isolation or quarantine for 14 days and kept separate from other people. People with suspected coronavirus can be put in isolation at home if they do not pose a fatal risk.
If the suspected people are able to cut off contact with other people in their home, isolation may not need to be done in the hospital. The person can also apply isolation or self-quarantine at home.
What Is The Difference Between The New Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) And The Spanish Flu?
Spanish flu is a pandemic experienced during the First World War. Today's health conditions are quite different to that day. Considering the term conditions,
Spanish Flu is a pandemic that has been experienced in days when the ways of transmission are not fully understood, so preventive measures cannot be taken and supportive treatments in intensive care units cannot be done well.
For this reason, it is known that more people died from this disease than the people who died directly in the war during the First World War due to this pandemic, called the Spanish Flu.
With the medical care facilities and precautions provided by today's scientific developments, it is in our hands that COVID-19 does not occur to this extent.
The important thing is to prevent a large part of the society from being infected by breaking the transmission chain as much as possible.
It is very important for people to protect themselves from the disease as much as possible by taking the recommended measures in order not to increase the patient burden of the hospitals and health system; In this way, health institutions and health professionals will be able to need more medical care, have the opportunity to give better care to patients in the risk group, and reduce the losses caused by the disease as much as possible.
All the measures that are currently being taken are aimed at slowing down the rate of transmission in the society by breaking the chain of transmission as much as possible.
Covid-19 Causing Acute Liver Failure?
The new coronavirus disease pandemic is widely observed all over the world. Although it has more severe effects on the upper and lower respiratory tract, it is still a matter of debate in the scientific field whether it has involvement in the liver and other organs. According to a number of studies on coronavirus infections, although a slight increase in liver enzymes is found in the examinations performed in some of the cases, it is currently common belief that this cannot be associated with liver failure and that acute liver failure is rarely seen in COVID-19 patients.
Secondary Infection Connection with Covid-19
Secondary infections can be encountered in the course of Covid-19 disease. According to studies, there is a high incidence of secondary infections in patients hospitalized with COVID-19. It is known that early ICU need, respiratory failure and severe lymphopenia are defined as risk factors for secondary infections.
Sepsis and Septic Shock May Be a Result of Covid-19!
Septic shock, although very common, is one of the clinical conditions that are unknown to humans and cause the most death. Sepsis emerges when bacteria that cause an infection in the body mix into the blood and the immune system in the body reacts to these bacteria. Sepsis is the body's most severe response to infections and can be fatal if left untreated.
Speech disorder, confusion, extreme tremors, muscle pain, fever, inability to urinate all day, severe shortness of breath, pale or mottled skin are among the symptoms of sepsis. The best way to prevent sepsis is to prevent infection first. If sepsis develops despite all precautions, quickly controlling the focus of infection and providing intensive care support can be life-saving.
It is thought that the majority of losses due to Covid-19 are caused by sepsis and sepsis may be one of the possible consequences of Covid-19. Bacteria, fungi, virus and parasite giCovid-19 Cause Acute Liver Failure?
The new coronavirus disease pandemic is widely observed all over the world. Although it has more severe effects on the upper and lower respiratory tract, it is still a matter of debate in the scientific field whether it has involvement in the liver and other organs. According to a number of studies on coronavirus infections, although a slight increase in liver enzymes is found in the examinations performed in some of the cases, it is currently common belief that this cannot be associated with liver failure and that acute liver failure is rarely seen in COVID-19 patients.
Secondary Infection Connection with Covid-19
Secondary infections can be encountered in the course of Covid-19 disease. According to studies, there is a high incidence of secondary infections in patients hospitalized with COVID-19. It is known that early ICU need, respiratory failure and severe lymphopenia are defined as risk factors for secondary infections.
Sepsis and Septic Shock May Be a Result of Covid-19!
Septic shock, although very common, is one of the clinical conditions that are unknown to humans and cause the most death. Sepsis emerges when bacteria that cause an infection in the body mix into the blood and the immune system in the body reacts to these bacteria. Sepsis is the body's most severe response to infections and can be fatal if left untreated.
Speech disorder, confusion, extreme tremors, muscle pain, fever, inability to urinate all day, severe shortness of breath, pale or mottled skin are among the symptoms of sepsis. The best way to prevent sepsis is to prevent infection first. If sepsis develops despite all precautions, quickly controlling the focus of infection and providing intensive care support can be life-saving.
It is thought that the majority of losses due to Covid-19 are caused by sepsis and sepsis may be one of the possible consequences of Covid-19. It has been observed that microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites, seasonal influenza viruses, avian and swine flu viruses, as well as coronavirus. In some of the Covid-19 patients with severe disease, multiple organ failure can be seen due to sepsis.
In severe sepsis cases, an inflammatory process occurs in the whole body and this is called septic shock. Septic shock brings with it a blood pressure drop and can result in death. Antibiotic therapy, respiratory support, fluid overload to increase blood pressure and prevent dehydration are vital for fighting infection.
Covid-19 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Link
Although the damage that Covid-19 disease can leave in the long term has not been fully determined, it is thought that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome continues as a possible long-term effect of Covid-19. According to the researches, many patients whose tests were negative as a result of the treatment process reported that some symptoms still did not disappear and the problems continued.
Although the focus has so far been on saving lives during the pandemic process, now eliminating the long-term effects of the coronavirus has also become a major problem and concern. Because there is a complete destruction of people's quality of life.
Experts have recognized that prolonged viral infections can be a catalyst for other health problems that persist after the illness has passed. Chronic fatigue syndrome typically follows an upper respiratory tract infection from which the patient cannot make a complete recovery. The main symptom is deep muscle fatigue, but poor memory, lack of concentration and sleep disturbance are also common features.
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